God has seen me do vile, heinous & despicable things . . . ran from Him, cursed Him and spat in His face. He has seen me at my worst & my ugliest & still He loves me and allows me to call Him my best friend, my Father, my very own!!
He not only comes to my defense, but He stands upon the mountain & PROUDLY proclaims, 'This is my precious & beloved son,' with whom I am well-pleased! THAT IS LOVE!!!
He not only saw all the times I fell short, missed the mark or out-right denied Him, but He also saw ALL the times I will fall short, miss the mark & will say to whomever is asking, 'I do not know this man you speak of Jesus~ this Jesus' ...
Knowing ALL this, He still took on the human form~ the King of Kings & Lord of Lords put on a human-shell through my big brother Jesus & died for me, reconciling me to Him... you to Him!
You can call me FAKE, a hypocrite & tell me how unworthy I am and you would be dead-on accurate & correct AT TIMES~ I am a man . . . I do forget who I am in the Lord as a joint-heir of the Kingdom!! I so quickly don't remember how much He loves me and the AMAZING callinG on my life!
Did you know we are ALL invited to the King's (God's) banquet & did you know, even though we are an esteemed guest seated right beside Him, when it comes time to partake of the feast~ we are out behind behind the Mansion/Castle digging & rummaging through the garbage. . . content on scraps?
And STILL He loves me. . . still He loves you! He exchanges the filthy rags your clothes have become for vibrant/radiant, glowing in all the fullness & completeness of the glory of God, ones!!
He not only invites you into the feast, once more, but He gives you a heroic introduction for your entrance!!!
He stands up for you, He defends you more vigorously than ANY defense attorney, He goes to bat just for you, He rescues you more times than a life-preserver, He believes in you with more faith than 10 billion men!
Yes, the opposite sex can bring pleasure, so can alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, respect & fame~ all of it WILL bring you pleasure, but as sure as I am sitting here writing this... it will be as fleetinG as the wind... the ONLY thinG that NEVER fails & will fail you not no matter what struggle, adversity, hard time, depression or season of despondancy is JESUS and He & the Father's AWESOME love for you!!!
It is my sincere prayer for my actions, words & my very life to make Him proud more times than they break His <3 and make Him sad~ after all, why do you think it rains SO much? Those are our Father's tears!
It doesn't matter if your earthly Father has failed you, if he is missing in action or just up & left your Mom, if he gives you a guilt-trip about why you don't talk to him more or come see him or worse yet if he is still around & tells you you will never amount to anything & he's sorry he had you in the first place... you have a TRUE Father, who will NEVER fail you, never leave you or forsake you~ will ALWAYS be there for you though great times & through terrible times :o)
I am 32 today~ one short of how long my big brother Jesus lived. So, right now, I ask my big bro to help me become more of a willing vessel~ more disciplined~ more obedient~ more selfless, walking in humility, authenticity & sincerity, ever-ready & happy to extend the same mercy, grace, forgiveness & love He has given me to everyone I come into contact with~ my family, friends and perfect strangers.
YES we are UNWORTHY & YES that is what qualifies you to become part of the body of Christ~ welcome to the family!!
& thank you again for all the birthday wishes,
Sincerely, John Mark (The fornicator, the fake, the hypocrite)
To see my sin & not see my <3 is like looking at the ocean & not seeing the water!
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