Friday, November 24, 2017

This KinG

This King seated high above the universe left His place in Glory

To come clean up this pitiful mess and play the lead Role in my story

But doesn't He know I'm FAR from perfect, so undeserving of His Love?

Doesn't He know all the times I won't have His back when the push comes to shove?

This King looked down and took a cross onto His back after being born in a stable

This King gazes upon my troubles, and weakness, steadily whispering He is able

This King how beautiful, strong and faithful in the midst of the destruction and killing

This King, Who, with just one touch, brings unshakable Peace, Hope and healing

This King knew me before my birth and wrote every word, sentence and chapter

The One Who always pursues me, like a relentless Hound, is the One my heart longs after!

This Savior, this Father, this Source of Mercy, Love, Forgiveness and Grace

This Nazarene, this Jew, this Carpenter; I'm not even worthy to see His face

Still He loves me when I've done everything to shame Him and to run the other away

This King saw me in the crowd, stepped into my night, and gave me the brightest day

Left speechless as He reached into the deep water and pulled me safe into His loving arms

The Rescuer rescued me plucking me from the danger, fears, death, despair and the harm

When this life is over and the clouds and light lead me to this glorious King

I'll simply hit my knees and cry holy, cast my crown and start to sing



Dream a Little Dream

Close your eyes. With your eyes closed, I want you to picture your biggest dreams. A tall order for sure. But not only your biggest d...