Monday, February 25, 2019


The older I become, the younger I grow
As the years pile up; the less I know 

Would love to say I always try my very best 
Instead, I drowned in temptation's waters; I didn't always ride the crest

And I've stood the test-- survived the flames when everything around me turned to ashes 
The greatest thing I will ever do is lift Your Name high above the masses!! 

And the crashes? I've hit the ground more than a plane hits the runway
But I'm thankful I've always rose again like a congregation on a Sunday! 

While Love holds me Grace covers me like a turtle's shell 
I'm not scared of the heat in the kitchen when I've already walked through hell 

Storms teach you in ways smooth waters simply are unable 
Though the waves overcome the shore; the foundation remains stable 

Am I able? I'm of worth though sometimes I act like a pauper
I've failed God Time After Time just call me Cyndi Lauper 

But no matter how many battles I've lost; I know the war is WON!! 
God turned a pauper into a prince all by sending His only Son! 

When I think of the Glory to come; these trials seem so very mild
Breath left my Savior's lungs; And in that moment the orphan became reconciled 


Dream a Little Dream

Close your eyes. With your eyes closed, I want you to picture your biggest dreams. A tall order for sure. But not only your biggest d...