Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oh How She Soars!

A modern day saint~ a city on the hill, a vessel of salt and light
Each smile so warm & genuine~ being around her is a delight

She may be confined to a wheelchair, but her worship is so pure
Are you having a good day Ms. Corrie? With that twinkle in her eye, she'll say, 'sure'

Another day I get to walk with Jesus, my Savior, so how could it be bad?
Yet many of us, who can walk, complain about so much less. . . it really is quite sad

I believe on the other side, she'll teach the angels how to enter into prayer
You may see a little old woman, but you will see beauty if you just pull back a layer

Oh how she soars like a little birdie fluttering through the sky
She's too busy being grateful, she makes no time to ask why!

An eagle through the sky she soars, she embodies Isaiah 40:31
Asking our Father, will you do, not my will, but your will be done?

Oh how she soars like a passenger with a one-way ticket to Heaven on a plane
Where there will be no more death, no more mourning, no more suffering or pain (Rev. 21:4)

She may be sitting down all the time, but jsut marvel at how she continues to soar
An example of selflessness~ only greedy when asking the Lord to reveal Himself more

Oh how she soars, enjoying life's journey as she goes through it with a smile on her face
While trials may come, perseverance worketh patience & she's a happy recipient of grace

We must stand firm in our faith, like David did even when the lions roared
When you've journeyed on before me to Heaven, & I'm having trouble flying, I will keep going for I will remember how you soared!

John Mark Brooks
Copyright April 30, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Sometimes you have to laugh just to keep from crying
Sometimes you have to live just to keep from dying

Sometimes you have to remind yourself just how blessed you are
Sometines you have to make a wish at 11:11 or on that one bright star

Sometimes you have to have faith everything will work out in your favor
Sometimes you have to stop & smell the roses~ take the time to savor

Sometimes I smile when inside I'm barely makin it
I have so much to be grateful for~ it doesn't mean I'm fakin it

Sometimes you have to stop & listen to the birds sing a little song
Little moments like that can make a day all right when it seemed so wrong

Sometimes you sit & listen to God as He speaks to you through the wind
Let your problems just blow away as you search for ways you can transcend

Sometimes you have to taste some blood instead of saying words you don't mean
Sometimes it's better to choose silence instead of uttering words that are obscene

Sometimes you have to stop by the cemetary to talk to your loved one & feel close
A lot of times the ones most overlooked are the times that mean the most!

You're not meant to remember that's what makes 'in the moment' so special & true
Sometimes I feel like I have this life all figured out~ I have to admit those times are few!

Sometimes you have to question people's motives and their reason
Sometimes you have to learn how to let go & realize it was just a season

Sometimes even though your circle is full, you have to let someone new in
If real recognize real, like I believe, then there is no need to pretend

Sometimes the only way to approach change is to learn how to embrace it
Like the only way to come at fear is to stand firm & just face it!

Apr. 21, 2011

Dream a Little Dream

Close your eyes. With your eyes closed, I want you to picture your biggest dreams. A tall order for sure. But not only your biggest d...