Thursday, March 29, 2012
Don't Go into the Road
The shiny red ball bounces into the road.
Boing, boing, boing. The color captivates us. Right when our eyes catch it, we want it. Even though it's not safe, nothing will stop us from chasing it!
Our Mom and/or Dad, who is holding our hand, may try, but at that moment nothing else matters. . . not the danger of getting run over or the punishment we may receive from our parents.
We let go of their hand and run after it. When we have it in our grasp we are happy, but what if we got hit by a car or what if our Mom or Dad got hit by the car, trying to stop us? Would it have been worth it?
Of course not!
Or what if at the very moment we lunged for the ball, our Mom or Dad jerked us back by our hand, shirt or arm? After all, their job is to protect us. They don't jerk us back because they are trying to punish us, they yank us back because they LOVE us.
And in that moment, it HURTS, physically and emotionally, when we don't get what we want, but it is for our own good!
God's Timing
One of the hardest things to understand is God's timing. See, we live in an instant-gratification country. When we want something, we want it right that very second! We don't want to wait.
It's the same way when we pray for something we want or think we should have. We pray for God's will, but if we really are honest, even IF we do want what God wants for us and not what we want for ourselves, we want our request to be immediately honored.
Yet, His wisdom is infinite. I've said it before-- He not only sees the now, like us, He sees the beginning, the present and the end. This pertains to the big picture and to our lives as well!
I'll get personal. I desperately want to be a husband, want to be a Dad, want to use my talent of writing to realize my dreams and more importantly to bless others through the spoils that come with 'making it' with my pen.
Each one of those is my red ball.
I want mine.
God has said, 'Not yet, my son.'
Why? Because I'm not ready. He is still preparing me. Preparing me to be a loving faithful husband, an attentive Dad and sharpening my skills as a writer.
But they have their's
At 33, I look around and I see SO many people living out the deepest desires of my heart. They're married, they have kids, they do have a lot of money who in-turn can impact many more lives than I can at the moment. They have their red ball!
Worse yet, MANY are bad stewards of it. Talk about confusing, frustrating and something that makes you mad and just want to scream!
That's one of the devils biggest tricks is getting us to focus on what we don't have versus what we do! We look at other people, who possess what we don't, and we are instantly frustrated!
That's where the notion of 'keeping up with the Jones' ' came from. We want to have a flat-screen TV, we want a bigger house, we want a nicer automobile because we see someone else who has it.
You can try to 'keep up' if you so choose, but let me warn you: you will either try so hard in order to obtain it, you will live outside of your means or you will accumulate all the luxuries you've set your eye on only at the end of the day to learn someone has something better, someone who has more or to find, without Jesus in your life, THEY ARE JUST THINGS!
Remember 'Show and Tell?' How it was all about one-upping? You brought in, or wore, a brand new pair of (Michael) Jordan tennis shoes and everybody thought they were cool until your classmate brought in a Jordan autograph!
It's amazing how as much as things change the more they stay the same. As adults we do the same thing . . . except now it's it's cars, clothes, houses and jobs.
Life isn't about showing and telling, but it is about Show and Tell-- SHOWing people how awesome the Lord is through our love, compassion, kindness and the way we carry ourselves and TELLing them why we do it!
Walking with Dad
In order to capture ANY of them, I must not let go of Dad's (God's) hand.
See, walking with Him is the greatest joy I've ever known! So, while it would be great to achieve those things NOW, I must know there are reasons I don't yet have them.
That's what trust is. It's knowing that NOTHING is more important than not letting go of Dad's hand . . . no matter how wonderful it is!
After all, He sees the cars!! He sees the potential sin, the hurt, the danger of giving us what we want when we want it. . . the disasters that would come from us having our desires too soon!
I ONLY want my red ball IF Dad leads me into the street to get it and even then I won't let go of His hand! I have learned that even dreams realized without God leading me to them can feel like nightmares!
My little brother in Christ Roy Hall (@Roy_Hall on Twitter) gave me the idea for this blog through the Holy Spirit after God had already told me to write about it-- Wow, talk about affirmation!! His message was called, 'Unshakable faith,' which is something we ALL must have if we are going to walk out Matthew 9:37, Hebrews 12:1 and 2nd Cor. 4:7.
Isaiah 26:8 'Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we WAIT for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.'
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Look like a Ferrari Run Like a Pinto
Sputter . . . sputter . . . sputter.
You're supposed to run better than that! Look at you!! You are beautiful! You have a tight body, nice curves, an alluring smile and captivating eyes. You have big muscles, 6-pack on lock; you look like a Greek god-- a Charlie Atlas. Cue the 'Nutty Professor, 'Hercules, Hercules.' TSA won't let you fly because of the guns you possess, but you sputter.
How!? Why?! You're a Ferrari!
Many of us look GREAT~ matter of fact, some of you women look TOO great *laughs* , but that's another time, another place, another writing. The problem isn't our bodies. In fact, each of our bodies is a temple of the Holy Spirit~ a dwelling place of THE Living God (1st Cor. 3:16).
While it takes hard work: hours in the gym, ounces of sweat, good genes, a lot of dedication and commitment to look great, it's A LOT easier to LOOK wonderful on the outside than it is to BE wonderful on the inside.
The truth is. Many people put a huge emphasis on looking great, while neglecting and largely ignoring their inner-selves. That makes NO sense! That's like having a nice SUV, tinting the windows, throwing some dubs (big rims) on it, putting a system and TVs in it and then you open the door and you see one seat. The passenger seat is not there or the middle row of seats.
It's having the appearance of a beautiful black Ferrari (or you pick the color) and then you pop the hood and there is an engine of a Pinto! It would take a lot of the enthusiasm out of owning a Ferrari wouldn't it?
I'm not condemning lifting weights or placing priority on your outward appearance. What I do have a problem with is looking like a million bucks and being content walking around on food stamps on the inside! 'Have nothing to do with godless myths or old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical exercise/training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.' 2nd Tim. 4: 7-8.
1. The outside is easier to work on
While it does take discipline, hard work and dedication to bulk up, tighten up or slim down; it takes far more to allow God to mold you into the man or woman He wants you to be (Phil. 1:6), to build up your spirit-man, changing your heart in the process. It takes focus to make it to the gym 4 or more times a week, but you have to have tunnel-vision in order to truly grow as a believer in your faith. Being disciplined enough to allow your habits to match your love for God-- to read the Bible, pray (talking and listening) and worshiping is not for the faint of heart!
The only opponent you face when thinking of lifting weights, running or walking is YOURSELF whereas the devil and his henchmen will stop at nothing to keep you from doing anything that will give God glory and bring you happiness, joy and peace.
Oh, you thought it was just coincidence you get sleepy or distracted every time you set out on the mission to read, worship or pray?
Ephesians 6:12 and 1 Peter 5:8
2. This body can't always help.
No matter how physically fit you are, there will be times where your body simply can't do the job. There will be times where looking 'photo-shopped' can't help. When you are throwing up with a temperature of 102, how big your guns are or nice your legs look can't save you!
I believe God allows our immune systems to fail from time to time for two reasons: 1. So we will be more grateful for being healthy. Think about it. If we were never sick, would we appreciate being whole and having an able body? It goes along with, without ever tasting defeat, would we ever fully relish our victories? There is something about tasting just enough bad that makes us truly appreciative for the good in our lives. 2. Without getting sick, or experiencing things outside of the realm of our control, we would have less of a dependency on God. Sadly, some of us serve a 911 God. You know . . . only call up God when we need something just like the emergency line. Those type of people never talk to the Lord, never worship Him, never tell Him thank you for their blessings, but at the first sign of trouble, when they need something or when they've had too much to drink on a Friday night and hugging the toilet are QUICK to offer up a prayer.
Are you a 911-God person?
Like it or not. The way God designed our bodies is, we ALL are affected by gravity as we age. As the years pass, our metabolism slows down, our ability to keep off those extra pounds is lessened and things that used to sit up high now 'swing low' and it's not a sweet chariot moment when we realize it. We have to work out harder and more frequently and even then, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, it won't matter. Our body simply won't be what it once was and the temple we've worked so hard to build will look like a dilapidated shack not the mansion we once constructed.
The good news is we have the assurance God will be there for us.
Read Isaiah 46:4
'Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.'
Job tells us, 'Wisdom is with aged man and with long life comes understanding.' Job 12:12
I want to share with you some powerful truths Mike Riley of says about 'growing old.'
'The lessons of hardship, success and failure we learn in life should be passed on to the younger generation.' Psalm 71: 17-18
And that, 'Hopefully the younger generation will have enough wisdom to listen.' Proverbs 2: 1-2.
Will you have wisdom to pass down when you are old? If so, why wait to gain it?
3. Look like a Ferrari run like a Ferrari
That's the ultimate goal. To look chiseled from stone, but to possess the fruits of the spirit to go along with it. Our objective should be to look great and BE great! Like the old adage coined by NFL Hall of Famer Deion Sanders. 'Look great, feel great. Feel great, play great.'
Each day we have the potential to 'play great' by living that day being the salt and light and city on a hill we are called to be through love as Christians.
Read Galatians 5: 22-23, 'But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against these things there is no law.'
It's curious humility isn't one named, but my opinion of why it's not is because knowing Christ, through dying on the cross for us, did something we could not do for ourselves should be enough to keep us humble no matter how big our bank accounts get or how known our names are. Knowing just as quickly as the Lord has given it, He can allow it to be taken should keep us drinking from the cup of humility.
The reason why there are beautiful people, men and women, who are hideously ugly on the inside is because they spend little, if any, time being on the Surgeon's table. They have never taken the first step on the journey of selflessness.
If we allow God to perform surgery on us and take out hate/dislike, frustration, discontentment, impatience, meanness, badness, unfaithfulness, gruffness and being a slave to our desires, and replace them with the qualities named in Galatians then we will run like a Ferrari.
Will it be easy? No! But it will sure be worth the trips to the garage!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Revelations of Hugo
Hugo was a great movie, but I believe what I'm about to share with you will be just as great . . . actually greater! Not because I wrote them, but because they are from God and you know what? God don't make junk.
In one scene, Hugo is looking at the robot (automaton) and he said he believes the robot looks sad because 'he is just waiting to work again, to do what he was designed to do. Think about that. Don't you ever feel that way? That you are sad, discontent and frustrated because you are waiting to do what you were designed to do. I know I have.
That's the reason we chase, chase, chase all this other stuff-- the opposite sex, money, power, respect, fame, status etc. because pursuing God's dream for your life, instead of chasing after your dreams is one of the hardest things to do. It goes hand-in-hand with obedience to Him. Wow . . .
The more you pursue anything other than Jesus, the less you let Him fill you, the further away from your purpose, His will and purpose for your life, you will find yourself.
Another spiritual truth from the movie is 'machines never have leftover parts. They only come with what they need to accomplish what they were designed to do.' Hugo says we are the same way.
Each human being is a 'part' is not a new concept. Look at 1st Corinthians 12:12. 'Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.' You are not here by mistake!
Where it gets real deep is the machine (body of Christ) will not work to its optimum level without you doing your 'part!' There is something ONLY you can do . . . no one else!
Toward the end of the film, there is a place where Tabard (author/film-afficiando) says to Jeanne, 'you sure were beautiful.' Her husband eavesdropping says, 'SHE STILL IS!' This resonated, and touched, me in a couple of different ways-- romantically and spiritually.
Men, listen up! When the years have passed, or maybe she has put on a few extra pounds, that's the most amazing thing we can say to our wife-- You STILL are beautiful!
Also, women LONG to hear those four words, 'I STILL AM BEAUTIFUL!' Despite time, poor decisions, heartbreak, life's unexpectedness, responsibilities and busyness, I'm still beautiful!
As far as that goes, men, we long to hear it too. We all need to be validated and after many years, that's the ultimate compliment we can receive.
Maybe not so much about our aesthetic beauty, but that our wife still respects us and believes in us the way she did when she thought we could rope the moon with just one flick of the wrist!
'SHE STILL IS.' Though we have failed our Heavenly Father and Jesus SO much, His perception about his gorgeous bride has not changed-- 'SHE STILL IS BEAUTIFUL!' Take it one step further, 'HE STILL IS!' Maybe you feel God has let you down-- tragedies have broken your heart, your dreams haven't come true, you find yourself discontent in life . . . frustrated, disappointed, sad, maybe even crushed . . . guess what!?!?
Hugo said, 'He's got real purpose. Everything has a purpose. Clocks tell the time, trains take you places. They do what they're meant to do. That's why broken machines make me so sad. . . they can't do what they're meant to do. Maybe it's the same with people.'
'If you lose your purpose . . . it's like you're broken.'
There are A LOT of BROKEN machines (people) surrounding us on a daily basis! Do we allow God to use us, as parts, to help fix and restore them? We aren't the mechanics, but we sure do KNOW Him and at the very least can give directions to the garage.
Isabelle: Is that what your purpose is, to fix things?
Hugo: I don't know that's what my father (God) did!
Isabelle: I don't know what my purpose is. Maybe if I would've known my parents, I would know.
Yes, if you know your Dad (God) you WILL!! Chasing your purpose, the very reason you believe you are here on this earth is the SECOND most exhilirating thing you can ever do . . . the first you may ask? The MOST exciting thing is pursuing God Almighty, fellowshipping with Him, getting to know Him, worshipping Him, listening to Him and allowing Him (Yahweh) to fill you with love to make a difference in the lives of others.
The two most powerful revelations God gave me while watching Hugo were two of the final scenes. The first one is when the automaton lands on the train tracks and Hugo jumps down, onto the railway, to retrieve it. He is on the tracks with the train hurtling toward him when the inspector, who has had it out for Him the whole movie, saves his life!
We ALL had a train coming toward us, death due to our disobedience (Romans 6:23), but Jesus, in his unfathomable mercy and love, was/is that inspector. He saved us by dying on the cross for us! (John 3:16-17).
The other scene that really got me was George's poignant moment, following the rescue, when the inspector is about to haul Hugo off to the orphanage.
George, who even though he's in the twilight years of his life has rediscovered his joy (it's never TOO late to rediscover your joy in Christ Jesus), says 'This child belongs to me!' That's our Papa. you, Yes YOU, belong to Him! No matter what you have done . . . He bought you and saved you through His son's life and obedient sacrifice.
If you just accept Him into your heart as your Savior, the Messiah, God will say that about you. He ALREADY loves you more than you can possibly fathom, despite ANYTHING you have ever done, but once you confess you are a sinner, ask Him into your heart and give him Lordship over your life, you are welcomed into THE royal family . . . into the Kingdom!
He says,'This child belongs to me!'
What's Hugo about? Don't take it from me, take it from Isabelle at the end of the film.
'It's a story about this singular, young man who searched so hard to find a secret message from His father and how that message led his way all the way home.'
I believe that's what our lives are about. Our walks with Christ (Yeshua) are meant to be, not only an abundant life, but an ADVENTURE! There are always 'secrets' He wants to reveal to us. Don't believe me?
'So then, men out to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the SECRET things of God.' (1 Cor. 4:1, NIV) or as many other translations say, 'stewards of the mysteries of God.'
In order to be a steward, you must FIRST learn/discover the mysteries for yourself.
Or 1 Cor. 2:10, 'But we know these things because God has revealed them to us by His Spirit, and his Spirit searches out everything and shows us even God's deep SECRETS.'
Little did I know, when I swiped my debit card, outside of Walgreens, through the Redbox machine and picked a kids' PG movie with a French name, I would receive deep truths and secrets of the Kingdom . . . but then again, that was God's little secret.
The secret messages from our Father will lead our way home, which is Heaven. The question is, are you searching?
Sunday, March 4, 2012
None of it is YOURS
I have some news to break to you!
It's not yours. No, this isn't the Maury Povich show, 'it' is not referring to a baby . . . yet it is (if you're a parent) along with everything else.
Your life~ not yours.
Your children~ not yours.
Your parents~ not yours.
Your siblings~ not yours.
Your job~ not yours.
Your money~ not yours.
Wait a minute! It is MY money I earn it!! Nope, not yours.
Your house, your car, your gifts and talents . . . NONE of it is yours!
I hate the term, and shake my head in disgust at the phrase, 'self-made,' because unless you are responsible for yourself breathing ALL of us are 'God-made' no matter how big or impressive your rags to riches story or how many millions you've made as an entrepreneur by starting from scratch.
I hate the term, and shake my head in disgust at the phrase, 'self-made,' because unless you are responsible for yourself breathing ALL of us are 'God-made' no matter how big or impressive your rags to riches story or how many millions you've made as an entrepreneur by starting from scratch.
Don't believe me? All of it every single blessing-- whether it is a person, possession or something intangible . . . it ALL belongs to God! James 1:17, 'Every good and perfect gift is from above.'
And 1 Col. 1:17, 'Christ comes before all things and in Him all things hold together.'
Everything belongs to God, yet He was just gracious enough to give it to you. There is one thing for certain~ a hand-me-down from Almighty God is the best kind of hand-me-down you can receive. Those of you who come from big families, with many siblings, know exactly what I'm talking about.
But before you go into 'auto-pilot' mode, let me caution you and remind you (and myself) of Luke 12:48, 'To whom much is given, much is REQUIRED.'
In the same vein, our salvation was bought with a price (1 Cor. 7:23) . Because of that debt Jesus paid on the cross, we are not supposed to become enslaved to the world/sin, we are to pay rent for all the blessings He rains down on us.
That rent required of us is stewardship. It's taking on an attitude of gratitude, knowing whatever you possess the Lord could've given to someone else and it just so happens, He chose you for reasons only He knows! It's managing and being obedient with what you've been given.
Something awesome happens when you realize/grasp that none of what you possess is yours and that you are just expected to take care of everything the Lord has entrusted to you.
For example, think of how much you love your children and want to protect them, guide them, provide for them. Some parents worry themselves sick over their kids. While that's natural, think of how much pressure is lifted, when you just turn them over to God . . . after all, your son or your daughter is His anyway!
You don't have to be the perfect Dad, the perfect Mom, (what a relief, right?!) you're simply just supposed to do what Proverbs 22:6 says.
'Direct your children onto the right path and when they are older, they will not leave it.'
After all, if you try to be too lax, they will 'act out'/misbehave because all children, deep down, want parameters and boundaries (they want to know you care) . . . if you are too strict, and try to rule with an iron fist, they are going to rebel, so while I'm not a parent or expert in the field of parenting, it's probably best to find that 'middle ground' and know they are in God's hands no matter what.
Pray a hedge of protection, against satan and his henchmen, in the blood of Jesus/Yeshua (His name in Hebrew) over your child, ask Him to commission angels around them and ask Jesus to guide their path and accomplish His will and purpose in their lives!
You don't have to be the perfect Dad, the perfect Mom, (what a relief, right?!) you're simply just supposed to do what Proverbs 22:6 says.
'Direct your children onto the right path and when they are older, they will not leave it.'
After all, if you try to be too lax, they will 'act out'/misbehave because all children, deep down, want parameters and boundaries (they want to know you care) . . . if you are too strict, and try to rule with an iron fist, they are going to rebel, so while I'm not a parent or expert in the field of parenting, it's probably best to find that 'middle ground' and know they are in God's hands no matter what.
Pray a hedge of protection, against satan and his henchmen, in the blood of Jesus/Yeshua (His name in Hebrew) over your child, ask Him to commission angels around them and ask Jesus to guide their path and accomplish His will and purpose in their lives!
When you adopt this attitude that nothing is yours if, God forbid, you lose your child to death, you lose your job, you lose your spouse to divorce, you lose your girlfriend or boyfriend to breakup, you lose your house, your car, etc. you aren't devastated.
Hurt? Yes. Disappointed? Yes. Heart-broken . . . possibly, after all, you are human, but NOT devastated!
Am I guilty of letting past circumstances devastate me? I would be a hypocrite and a liar if I said no, but I am, moving forward, trying to no longer be the ship so easily tossed about by the waves.
Some of us have more than others, some of us have less, but ALL of us are blessed . . . particularly if you live in America as many of us do. However, the reality is, if you have breath in your lungs and a lub-dub on the left side of your chest you are blessed and have much to be thankful for!
Perhaps the most beautiful thing about viewing NOTHING as being yours is you demonstrate TRUE TRUST by recognizing God is sovereign, in control and is able! By doing that you are simply saying you're God and I'm not . . . you acknowledge you are dependant and subservient. You show you know His wisdom is infinite and calling our wisdom finite may even be a stretch.
Another benefit of viewing yourself as a steward not an owner is you guard your heart from being crushed when life's waves crash down on top of you. . . because you never owned it in the first place.
Job 1:21 'The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.'
One thing is certain, over the course of a lifetime, you will likely experience great loss~ the moments where God 'takes away' or allows terrible tragedy, but don't lose your way, just continue to trust.
Take heart in knowing one day in Heaven we will know why 'it' happened (John 13:7), but in the meantime let's just be good tenants, paying our daily rent and allowing how we manage ourselves, our bodies, our families, our jobs, our finances to all be forms of worship to the Gifter and Provider of all we have.
Am I guilty of letting past circumstances devastate me? I would be a hypocrite and a liar if I said no, but I am, moving forward, trying to no longer be the ship so easily tossed about by the waves.
Some of us have more than others, some of us have less, but ALL of us are blessed . . . particularly if you live in America as many of us do. However, the reality is, if you have breath in your lungs and a lub-dub on the left side of your chest you are blessed and have much to be thankful for!
Perhaps the most beautiful thing about viewing NOTHING as being yours is you demonstrate TRUE TRUST by recognizing God is sovereign, in control and is able! By doing that you are simply saying you're God and I'm not . . . you acknowledge you are dependant and subservient. You show you know His wisdom is infinite and calling our wisdom finite may even be a stretch.
Another benefit of viewing yourself as a steward not an owner is you guard your heart from being crushed when life's waves crash down on top of you. . . because you never owned it in the first place.
Job 1:21 'The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.'
One thing is certain, over the course of a lifetime, you will likely experience great loss~ the moments where God 'takes away' or allows terrible tragedy, but don't lose your way, just continue to trust.
Take heart in knowing one day in Heaven we will know why 'it' happened (John 13:7), but in the meantime let's just be good tenants, paying our daily rent and allowing how we manage ourselves, our bodies, our families, our jobs, our finances to all be forms of worship to the Gifter and Provider of all we have.
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Dream a Little Dream
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