Friday, September 19, 2014

I Want You to Know

Life is full of knowledge. It’s an ongoing education until our Earthly layover departs for the afterlife, so it got me thinking . . . what do I, in my growing knowledge and deep-rooted wisdom, want you to know? Hmmm, that’s quite a quandary. If I could pass along advice of the absolutely, no matter what, can’t be missed variety, what would I say? To be more authentic and candid, I did not give it much thought. For you see, the things most important, and dear to us, are carried in your soul, tucked away in your heart and coursing through your veins.
I want you to know Jesus loves YOU. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, who you’ve been or how many times you did either . . . He loves you completely, wholly, relentlessly and beautifully! God could’ve scrapped his creation and started again once He saw us choosing things other than Him, but instead He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins—past, present and future sins. I want you to know that!! You may worry about not being good enough. Guess what? I’m not either! NONE, no not one, is good enough. It’s a FREE gift paid with the ultimate cost. That’s what Jesus did. He paid a debt He did NOT owe and one we could never pay! No matter where you are, God’s arms are not too short to reach you.

Anything is possible with Jesus and anything is possible, in a negative way, without Jesus . . . even for a moment. You can go every day for the rest of your life doing everything according to the Ten Commandments, adhering to God’s Word (The Bible) in every area of your life . . . you could share Jesus and allow Him to serve through you, walking in humility, gratitude and Love and guess what? God would not love you ANY MORE than He does right this very second in all our dirtiness, in all our pain, shame, unbelief and fear.  
Conversely, you can do the exact opposite. You can lead a selfish life, breaking every single one of the Ten Commandments and going against the Golden Rule. You can reject the Truth that is Jesus and every good thing and guess what? God won’t love you ANY LESS! That is mind blowing isn’t it!?! See, that is how BIG, unrelenting, POWERFUL and amazing God’s Love is!! It is COMPLETE unlike any completeness we have ever known.

I want you to know!
I want you to know people will disappoint you, be disloyal, unavailable, or even worse both, but God is ALWAYS faithful. There may be times we feel God has abandoned us, but that’s simply a lie. Even our perceived abandonment, at His hands, is better than the world’s embrace. He works ALL things together for our good—even our tragedies. God is before the tragedy, during the tragedy and after the tragedy. Nothing catches Him off guard or catches Him by surprise. Many things will happen this side of Heaven, we don’t understand, but I don’t believe we are meant to . . . that 720-degree understanding would make us God and we are not. I believe we are just supposed to trust. The Devil will try to get us to ask WHY, but if we believe God has plans to prosper us and not harm us the why isn’t as important and the WHAT—What is God teaching me through us, what will He do with this and HOW—how will He use it in my life for His glory?

I want you to know!

I want you to know the Devil will try to convince you it is TOO late to return to God or to come to God for the first time. That is nothing more than a lie straight from the pits of Hell! The reality is—as long as there is breath in your lungs; it’s not too late to tell him you aren’t going to be the same person he’s used to. It’s never too late to make a change, to give Christ a chance to operate in your life and to find your peace, hope, joy and happiness abiding in the shadow of the cross. He will do his level-best to make you feel like you are not worthy of God’s love . . . that you’re not good enough. When he does this, reminding you of your past, remind him of his future! He is already defeated, but in the same way God’s power resurrected Jesus when we operate in our OWN power, we resurrect the Devil and give him part-control of our lives. He is out to lie to us, steal from us, kill us, destroy us and I believe one of his favorite tactics—to DISTRACT us.

If Satan can get us to take our eyes off Jesus . . . He can, over the course of time, pull us away from the fold and isolate us. Then when he has us alone, that’s when he pounces with more ferocity than we expected, using our weaknesses to tear us down and make us feel defeated. Two of his biggest distractions are: busying us with anything that doesn’t include Jesus and technology. We are more attached to technology, which in-turn discourages true fellowship, opportunities to encourage and to receive it and hinders growth of relationships.
I want you to know!

God wants us to know we are all important, all worthy, through His Grace, of love and all our heart’s desires, but the biggest thing he wants is for Him to be our biggest desire and the Reason we have our meaning, belonging and sense of purpose. We exist to know Him, share His Love and to do so for His Glory \o/

That’s what He wants us to know!

Dream a Little Dream

Close your eyes. With your eyes closed, I want you to picture your biggest dreams. A tall order for sure. But not only your biggest d...