The 10 I Wills for the New Year
by John Mark Brooks
1. I WILL guard my PEACE! It’s PRECIOUS, and special, and I won’t sacrifice it for ANY reason. I will be vigilant in protecting it as though my life depends on it because after all, true life does!
2. I can read a post on social media, that I vehemently disagree with, and scroll past it, protecting my Peace by not expending energy! I WILL ignore it. I will ignore those who try to project their unhappiness onto me. I often times hold the power in silence more than in response.
3. I WILL put my phone down. My mind, spirit, heart and soul appreciate the REST! To be DISCONNECTED is to CONNECT to real INTIMACY— with Jesus and the people who surround me not just the ones on the other end of the screen.
4. I WILL understand friendships are like a CHAIN. . . So, I will link up with colorers— those who challenge me, encourage me and pray for me with my best interests at heart. A chain is ONLY as STRONG as its WEAKEST link!
5. I WILL seek LIFE and let it pour into me— relationships, music, books, movies will be Life-giving!! I can’t pour 💩, trash, into my mind, spirit and heart and wonder why I feel like crap and not more alive!!
6. I WILL know I am to be both water and pour into all, while also being a selective-sponge, learning from everyone I encounter. Whatever God pours into my heart, spirit and mind; I will eagerly-share! Water is fluid, but stays true to its nature and is always life-giving . . . So will I!
7. If I am led to the ocean (person) I WILL cross that ocean even if they won’t cross a mud puddle for me because it pleases my Creator! The blessing is in the doing, not in the payback, so I will go the extra mile for Jesus, even if it’s uncomfortable . . . There can be no LOVE without sacrifice!
8. I WILL NOT become entangled in pointless arguments about politics, religion, world views etc. When you argue with a clown, you only become part of their circus. I will seek common ground and intentionally-listen, to be sympathetic and to learn, not just as means to an end to respond. I will just as intentionally keep my mouth closed or avoid the would-be disagreement altogether. There is much wisdom is listening, hearing and keeping your mouth closed.
9. I WILL not beg ANY person to see my infinite WORTH! No matter the nature of the relationship, if a person doesn’t want to be my friend, or significant other, I will be a gentleman and show them, or myself, the door. I refuse to beg for CRUMBS from those who don’t appreciate me, while I can FEAST at the table of those who do . . . The ones who have been divinely orchestrated to be in my life. Many times we chase the crumbs and miss out on the fellowship the table brings and the feast that’s served! Those Love (The Lord) wants in your life; you don’t have to beg, plead or hope for them to be in your life, part of your world . . . They simply, and intentionally, WILL!
10. I WILL continue my GROWTH. I won’t say a tired cliche like: “I will be better tomorrow than I was today” or “Live every day like it’s your last.” But I will seek the Giver of Life, try to love Him more and fail Him less and extend GRACE to myself (and others) when I do not measure up or when they let me down. We are human. We are messy. We fall and fail.
Each New Year is exciting!! The endless possibilities, the beautiful thoughts of what may come and where the path may lead and the excitement of a clean slate, a FRESH start and blank canvas are gripping. They give us something to lay claim to and to latch onto. My HOPE for you, and anyone reading this, is to realize we don’t have to wait until Jan. 1 every year! We have NEW mercies every morning!!
Having 20/20 vision is this— we are humans. We ALL deserve Love, Kindness, Encouragement, Consideration, Compassion, Validation and Peace and Contentment!
Let’s be BRIDGES instead of WALLS (not a political statement), let’s seek to do what Theodore Roosevelt implored us all to do, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
ANYONE can find DIRT in someone— be the one who finds GOLD (Proverbs 11:27) In the New Year, let’s do that! What’s oft-forgotten is no matter what race, sex, religion, socioeconomic background, age, sexual orientation, geographical location or place in life we are . . . We are ALL in THIS TOGETHER!!
Do GOOD not to be just SEEN doing good, but because goodness matters and it pleases the One, Who is so much better than good! I long for the days of yesteryear when we did things out of the kindness of our hearts and not recording it in hopes of going VIRAL! I miss the times where if someone was getting beaten up, someone jumped in to stop it, not stand idly by and record it in the ultimate act of APATHY!
It’s DISCOURAGING, and I am dismayed by both, but as long as there is TIME, there is POTENTIAL for CHANGE! Like Rumi said, “Treat each DROP like an OCEAN.” If one drop feels like an ocean a world of new POSSIBILITIES emerge and in a world of OPEN minds maybe we can open our minds to the one thing that’s so often-times missing— LOVE!
I wish each of you Peace, Love, Blessings, a closer walk with Thee, Joy and Happiness in the New Year and remember
+Hope Abounds+
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Pass on By
You pass on by and I’m broken don’t even have enough clothes to keep me warm
But you’re lost in the hustle and bustle, so you don’t notice, I guess that just the norm
As you pass on by, I see the cross dangling, from your neck, and I can’t believe you’re so cold
I thought we were supposed to look after one another, and protect, I guess that code’s grown old
So, pass on by, don’t even look me in the face, you might actually see a human being
It never ceases to amaze how many ears are deaf and how many blind eyes that should be seeing
Pass on by and go back to your nice home, warm shower and all the food you can eat
I’ll go back to under the bridge, and this thin blanket, I hear they’re calling for snow and sleet
I had a tent, in the woods, but somebody stole it one afternoon while I was away
It turns out even angels can have a terrible, horrible, bad day!
See, I was sent from Heaven, on assignment, to find one soul He could bless
But I’ll just pass on by since you ignored me and treated me lesser than less
It’s just like the Master said, “Be nice to strangers for they may be angels unaware”
And one crossed your path today, but you showed no love or care
You chose to pass on by, so too, will I do the same
At the end of your life’s journey will the Book of Life hold your name?
Or did you lead a life so selfish that you passed on by those who hurt so much
Were you too busy running your race to be someone else’s crutch?
I’ve never understood how the King doesn’t just look at you and pass on by
When you fail to notice his goodness in the valleys or peaks on high
I will continue my assignment for I know many still know how to love
The ones who still know how to be kind and gentle in a world known for its shove.
And on them He will pour out His blessings better yet pour out Himself
It amazes me how you say you love Him, but leave His Book sitting on the shelf.
+Hope Abounds+
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Empty Chair
Take time to pray for those who are suffering ECS today— Empty Chair Syndrome, meaning those family and friends who have lost someone. The loss could be recent, 5 years ago or 20 years ago, but the pain is, nonetheless, real and present. Pray for the Lord to comfort them, wrap them in His Perfect Peace and cover them in His Love. Ask for all the wonderful memories, and amazing love, they shared to be near and for them to be covered in Hope in the midst of their pain!
See, for me, today—one of my favorite days of the year—is about thanking Jesus for ALL my many blessings (all of which are undeserved), faith, family, food, did I mention food, and football, but I also look at the empty chairs of Buddy, Mamaw and Papaw. I miss them. I miss Karson, Jonathan, AJ and so many more. So, while I’m infinitely grateful, for today; I also have a heavy heart! A little tiny piece of Thanksgiving will NEVER be the same and is forever lost!
I, actually, wrote this post 2 times, before now. Don’t believe we face opposition? I typed it on my phone and hit post and my phone, which never messes up, said the link may be broken. It was lost. I then got on my laptop and wrote it again with more fervor, and determination, and a little pissed off and disappointed and hit post and it magically disappeared. So, not one to quit, or give up easily, I got on Microsoft word and composed this, because fool me once, I’m bothered, fool me twice, I’m real irritated, but fool me three times . . . well, that just won’t happen! Because this message was WORTH too much not to get out!
See, for me, today—one of my favorite days of the year—is about thanking Jesus for ALL my many blessings (all of which are undeserved), faith, family, food, did I mention food, and football, but I also look at the empty chairs of Buddy, Mamaw and Papaw. I miss them. I miss Karson, Jonathan, AJ and so many more. So, while I’m infinitely grateful, for today; I also have a heavy heart! A little tiny piece of Thanksgiving will NEVER be the same and is forever lost!
If I know 3 things people appreciate, in life, it’s somebody taking the time to say I love you, somebody taking the time to notice them and to say you don’t walk alone. I care. You matter. Your feelings matter and I know it’s hard. So, take a couple of minutes to text, or *gasp* call, someone and let them know you’re praying for them, are here for them and walk alongside them. On one of the busiest, albeit special, times of the year . . . it will mean the world! +Hope Abounds+ JMB
I, actually, wrote this post 2 times, before now. Don’t believe we face opposition? I typed it on my phone and hit post and my phone, which never messes up, said the link may be broken. It was lost. I then got on my laptop and wrote it again with more fervor, and determination, and a little pissed off and disappointed and hit post and it magically disappeared. So, not one to quit, or give up easily, I got on Microsoft word and composed this, because fool me once, I’m bothered, fool me twice, I’m real irritated, but fool me three times . . . well, that just won’t happen! Because this message was WORTH too much not to get out!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
One More
Oh, how sweet it would to be to have ONE MORE . . .
One more hug, one more smile, one more talk
One more game of hopscotch lined in chalk
One trip, as the wind blows, on the merry go-around
One more skinned knee, playing kickball, after falling down
One more time getting called down for not being quiet in class
One more being scared to look at my grade did I fail or did I pass?
One more time staying up to watch a movie past my bedtime
One note, handed in class, check yes or no will you be mine
One more game Mom, I promise it’ll just be one more
One more buggy-ride through the grocery store
One more pick-up game that will end up in a fight
One more windy day just to fly a kite
One more time listening to your laugh as time seems to stand still
One more trip to the golden arches to get the toy in the Happy Meal
One more Sunday morning with grateful hands lifted high
One more I think I can, after all, you never know unless you try
One more time of hearing your footsteps coming down the hall
One more trip, blasting the music, heading to the mall
One more evening, just sitting and listening to your voice
One more time would be magical, abra cadabra, on multiple-choice
One more day, sitting in a swing, holding tightly to your hand
One more touchdown as the school song is played by the band
One more smile— it would be amazing to see your face light up with joy
What I would give to do it all over to go back to being a little boy
One more smell of the breakfast cooking as soon as I awake
One more time skiing or jumping off the pier at the lake
One more tear falling down my cheek that’s how we know we truly care
One more time playing spin the bottle, on the trampoline, or truth or dare
One more time Saturday to sleep in as the rain begins to fall
One more giggle, one more crush, one more late-night phone call
One more time to hit snooze as the boss wonders where we are
One more time to make a wish twinkle, twinkle little star
One more time to bow my head now I lay me down to sleep
If I could make one wish how these memories I would keep
What would be my request if these memories I could store
I would treasure each one before simply asking for just one more!
Thursday, October 31, 2019
As The Leaves FaLL
As the leaves fall, so does shame fall all around me
Sins of my past, like rising water, hoping it doesn’t drown me
Waves up to my neck when suddenly I hear a sound
The water starts to drain, once lost now I am found
Grace rescues me when it seems there is NO hope
Turning my weakness to strength allowing me to cope
So, I feel pain, I shed tears, but I continue to FIGHT
Though the darkness surrounds me, fear grips me, I am guided by the Light
The KinG has looked upon this pauper and placed a crown on his head
Purpose courses through my veins~ I remember when I wanted to be dead
So, pardon me if I find perspective the silver lining in the cloud
Or find Peace, in the chaos, though my heart’s so very loud
I listen to the Voice that says I’m enough when I feel I’m a MESS
The One Who calls me MORE when I feel lesser than less
In the bottom of the pit, looking up, hoping to see a hand
It was there, in the midst of my hurt, I learned not to depend on man
Just when I was about to give up, You plucked me from that hole
You recused me, restored my life, it was there You saved my soul! + He > i
Monday, April 29, 2019
The Imperfect Race
This is God's view as seen through an imperfect reflection
I've been dead so many times, but You're my soul's resurrection
My Protection, my Hope the Reason I live and my being
The only way I can cope and find JOY in the midst of my grieving
And I've grieved 'til there were no tears left
Overwhelmed, I was drowning, couldn't find my breath
But I've learned Your Love is immune to my losses and mistakes
So I carry my crosses and steer clear of the snakes
Cause I know who I've been and I know who I am
So, when it comes to how you see me I really don't give a damn
All I care is that I'm known by the one TRUE King
The One Who crushed death and is called Elohim
That's truly where my identity is found
The place where hope floats and where Grace abounds
And where Grace resides, lies have no place
SO amazing You could love me when I spit in Your face
And it's crazy the way I chase after the wind
Treat You like a stranger, but still call You a friend
That's me Lord, call me 'Can't get right,' it's cool
While You call me the King's Light and I act like a fool
I trip on this race sometimes more than I run
Must be a vampire the way I try to HIDE from the Son
But my Hope is all the acclaim would be used for nothing more
than to praise Your Name
That every single standing ovation would be an echo of Your Love
and Hope to every nation
If I live this life just for money and gain
Then I've missed the boat, my flight and even the train
'Cause that's INSANE not to use my life for Your Glory
I'd rather hold Your pen and let You WRITE my STORY!
Monday, February 25, 2019
The older I become, the younger I grow
As the years pile up; the less I know
Would love to say I always try my very best
Instead, I drowned in temptation's waters; I didn't always ride the crest
And I've stood the test-- survived the flames when everything around me turned to ashes
The greatest thing I will ever do is lift Your Name high above the masses!!
And the crashes? I've hit the ground more than a plane hits the runway
But I'm thankful I've always rose again like a congregation on a Sunday!
While Love holds me Grace covers me like a turtle's shell
I'm not scared of the heat in the kitchen when I've already walked through hell
Storms teach you in ways smooth waters simply are unable
Though the waves overcome the shore; the foundation remains stable
Am I able? I'm of worth though sometimes I act like a pauper
I've failed God Time After Time just call me Cyndi Lauper
But no matter how many battles I've lost; I know the war is WON!!
God turned a pauper into a prince all by sending His only Son!
When I think of the Glory to come; these trials seem so very mild
Breath left my Savior's lungs; And in that moment the orphan became reconciled
Monday, January 7, 2019
Just Keep Going
If you're going through hell just keep going
No matter how much it rains or how hard the wind's blowing
Keep going like the Little Engine, eventually you'll climb the mountain
I've failed so many times, then again, who's countin?
Just keep going, it might not change right at first
But perseverance will be rewarded before you reach the hearse
In order to walk on water; you gotta get out the boat
You can't reach the castle without first crossing the moat
My Dad told me son, the sun don't always shine on the same dog
In order, to reach the destinatioN; you gotta keep going through the fog
I know it ain't easy, but that's just how life goes
You gotta stay balanced through the ebbs and the flowS!
And who knows, things might in your favor turn
But to become a precious metal first you got to burn
Just keep goinG, with your eyes uP; that's the only way you'll ever FLY
Cause if you stop; you're already dead, you don't have to wait 'til you die
No matter how much it rains or how hard the wind's blowing
Keep going like the Little Engine, eventually you'll climb the mountain
I've failed so many times, then again, who's countin?
Just keep going, it might not change right at first
But perseverance will be rewarded before you reach the hearse
In order to walk on water; you gotta get out the boat
You can't reach the castle without first crossing the moat
My Dad told me son, the sun don't always shine on the same dog
In order, to reach the destinatioN; you gotta keep going through the fog
I know it ain't easy, but that's just how life goes
You gotta stay balanced through the ebbs and the flowS!
And who knows, things might in your favor turn
But to become a precious metal first you got to burn
Just keep goinG, with your eyes uP; that's the only way you'll ever FLY
Cause if you stop; you're already dead, you don't have to wait 'til you die
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