Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Just Like Jesus~ My friend Nely

"Pick me up. Put me on your shoulders," she said . . . her eyes filled with hope, like a sunset fills the horizon, as I bent down to one knee to oblige her request.

Nely, an eight-year old Honduran, climbed onto my back and off we went. Lap after lap around her school with sweat pouring off me like a waterfall and filling my shirt.

I knew, quickly after meeting her, God allowed our paths to cross at that exact moment because we both had something the other one needed-- love. Not in a Sandusky sort of way . . . no, I had the amazing opportunity of showing her a man, other than her Papas (Earthly one Leonard and Heavenly One), can love her, with respect and priority, and she accepted me-- purely, wholly, with no ulterior motives, no cynicism, no doubt, with a simple, yet resilient faith-- as only a child can.

For over an hour, hearing her giggle, seeing her smile and watching her brown eyes sparkle, as only her's can, outweighed my aching shoulders and fatigue from playing so hard so close to the equator. Actually, sharing God's love with her, through fellowship, was the only thing that mattered. When it was time to go . . . I knew I would see her later that day at our camp we put on for all the kids.

I was excited. She was my buddy. When she arrived at the Rose of Sharon camp, our home for eight days, she came and gave me a big hug and sat down next to me for worship. Watching her dance, lift her hands in praise, playful, yet sincere was such a blessing. I saw the childlike faith Jesus spoke of and it touched my soul.

After worship, we played games with the parachute and Nely said something that pierced me, "Where you go, I go." Those five words instantly reminded me of someone else I love . . . JESUS. Just like Jesus, Nely just wanted to be with me. She wanted to be around me. Just like Jesus, she gave her love to me freely. Just like Jesus, Nely, even though she had no reason to, based on the fact 40% of all Honduran children are sexually molested, trusted me. Just like Jesus, Nely just wanted one thing . . . to see me smile. Isn't that awesome?

When it was time for swimming, Nely was just like Jesus. When she would come down the slide, she believed in me. There is no guarantee we will show Him that trust and belief is warranted, in fact, they often times aren't, but He extends it just the same.  She believed I would catch her. Kids can teach you so much, and remind you, about God if you'll just let them.

She asked me to put my name on her cross right under her name. Again . . . yep, you guessed it-- Just like Jesus. She put hearts around it to show she loved me . . . Just like Jesus puts His heart around our lives each and every day. She decorated a prayer journal for me and put her name on it as it instantly became one of my most cherished possessions.

The second, and last night of camp, Nely was once again just like Jesus in that she left before I was ready for her too. The disciples, and followers of Jesus, didn't want Him to leave them when He did, but it was time for Him to. It was Nely's time to leave. I told her I would think of her every day, wrote, in her prayer journal, that I would pray for her adopted parents (Mama and Papa Jones) and her brothers and sisters, and that I would miss her.

Nely did something else just like Jesus-- she changed my life. Who I was before meeting her is not who I am now. Every day I miss her, but every day is a day closer to seeing her again . . . either in Honduras or in Heaven and that makes me smile.

One of the most extraordinary men I've ever met Leonard, who along with his wife (equally as impressive and extraordinary), has taken in 19 Honduran kids, mostly toddlers, is the Papa, with the heart the size of his homestate (Texas), they've always needed. They have taught all their children to be bilingual, and the importance of education, but the biggest thing they've done is shared God's love with their children so much, read His Word so much, prayed so much . . . they are becoming just like Jesus!

** Please note ** Our trip to Honduras was made possible by my dear friends Jorge (36) and Tara (33) Garcia through their organization R.O.O.M (Reach Out Orphanage Ministries). Though young, their obedience to the calling on their lives is inspiring! Tara pursued the vision God placed her heart and her husband supported her each step of the way. Two people who display the Light of Jesus, who treat others well, are great parents to their three kids (Trinity, Joseph and Hosanna), who are genuine,  and who are just as genuine is wanting to better the lives of these 'forgotten' Honduran children . . . that some call orphans.  Check out Reach Out Orphanage Ministries on Facebook and be sure to like it please!

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