Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Santa Claus vs. God
One of the best litmus tests of our hearts Christians can take is through asking a simple question, 'Do I want a Santa Claus God?'
What do you mean? Santa Claus is a mythical figure with no proof of existence, while the other is the Being credited as being the Creator of mankind and the universe . . . they have nothing to do with each other! You're right, but many believers treat the Lord like Santa Claus.
To me, it's elementary-- IF you could ONLY have one . . . would you choose God's blessings or would you simply, yet relentlessly, choose Him? The sad reality is many followers of Christ would much rather have His gifts instead of Him. Think about it, and I'm not casting stones, but how often do you ask Him for MORE of Him vs. asking Him to bless you or lifting a loved one's dire situation, or needs, up?
I'm not saying intercession is bad . . . in fact, we are implored to lift each other up in prayer, but what I am saying is this-- do I want God's hand or do I want His face? Do I want His shadow, things that leave behind residue of Him being there or do I want the Lord Himself?
Christ comes before ALL things and in Him ALL things hold together (Colossians 1:17.) That's what the Holy Word of God says, but if you take a glimpse around-- at home, at school, at work and even at church-- you would think it was written the other way around. 'All THINGS come BEFORE Christ and in them ALL things hold together!'
What if you had a friend, and sadly many of us have had them before, where the only time they would come around or call you is when they needed something. They wouldn't talk to you otherwise . . . it wouldn't be long until you told them to kick rocks barefooted, would it? Doesn't that show you how merciful, loving and patient God is? Long-suffering doesn't even begin to cover it! I believe alongside gratitude and worship, the greatest gift we can give God is US . . . just talking to Him like you would do any of your other best friends. Constant conversation is what we're encouraged to do.
'Pray continually and without ceasing. And in all things give thanks!' 1st Thessalonians 5:17-18.
In other words, NOT just when we need something.
See one of the greatest tricks the enemy Satan has up his sleeve is getting us to focus on God's blessings instead of the Giver of those blessings, encouraging us to focus on our dreams instead of the Dream-Giver . . . or simply to get us to direct our gratitude for God moving in our lives into idolatry. Man, that Devil is sneaky!!
Somebody call 911
This is not my analogy . . . in fact, I've heard it several places, but the reality is a lot of Christians serve a 911-God. They only call on Him, say His name or bow their head and hit their knees when something bad happens. As much as He's given, His only Son, His presence (Holy Spirit), our many blessings (life, health, food, water, shelter, our families and friends), does He deserve much gratitude? Shouldn't we talk to Him just because of WHO HE IS?
Then when you consider what He's given, and what He continues to give, isn't He worthy of our fellowship? I mean the very fact you woke up this morning and are reading these words is enough to give Him praise-- is it not? A lot of people, if given the opportunity to talk to one of their 'heroes' on a daily basis, or even more frequently, would not only jump at the chance, but they would rearrange their schedules to talk to their favorite athlete, entertainer or political figure!
There is One far greater than ANY star who wants to talk to you daily. Why look to a star when you can talk, and more importantly listen, to the very Entity who hung the stars, knows them all by name and put breath in the lungs of the celebrities you look up to and want to emulate? Every day, every hour, every minute, we have the AWESOME privilege of talking to the Creator of the Universe and yet we don't!! That blows my mind.
I'm not persecuting you as I'm guilty of not talking to the Lord nearly as much as I should want to! But I hope this makes you think of the God you serve!
He's Not Santa Claus, He's NOT the Police . . . He is the I AM
God is Jehovah-Jireh (Our Provider), Jehovah-Shalom (the Lord of peace), Jehovah-Rapha (the Lord who heals), Jehovah-Kadesh (the Lord our Sanctifier). He is something we often times forget, but He is El Shaddai (the God who is more than enough!) But perhaps above all those things-- His name, and nature, can be summed up in two words-- I AM.
I Am the Creator.
I Am the Savior.
I Am the Healer.
I Am your Father.
I Am the Trinity.
I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, all things seen and unseen.
Or as Valerie Delp described God, on Christian.families.com says,
'God is eternally existent . . . He laid the foundations of the earth and created all things. God is the Alpha and Omega . . . just as He created all things, He will exist forever. God is unchanging. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.'
When I close my eyes in worship, sometimes set to music and sometimes in pure silence, I just wish I could see His face. I wish I could see the angels, the elders, the redeemed sinners who've gone on before all in perfect harmony worshiping my God and King. Sometimes in the midst of just darkness, I am frustrated, but I really believe the reason the Lord often times doesn't allow us to see concrete, vivid images of Him is because, 'Would we continue to seek Him as earnestly if He so easily revealed Himself to us?'
I know I wouldn't.
While I may never catch a glimpse of God while here on earth, or if I am blessed enough to see Him through visions, whether I am given much or little, in the way of blessings, two things will remain the same. I don't want one single crumb from Heaven if I can't have the One whose hands it falls from and the cry of my heart will forever be,
'My heart says of you, 'Seek His face!' Your face, Lord, I will seek.' Psalm 27:8
Until my eyes behold the most beautiful sight we'll ever see, our Creator and Savior's face, I will continue to seek His face.
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Three Reasons
It's the question everyone wants answered.
'Why are we here on earth? What's the purpose of life?'
To claim to know the answer, from God's perspective, would be me subscribing to a level of arrogance I simply refuse to do, but I'll tell you the three reasons I believe we live.
God wanted fellowship. Sure God has angels, of many ranks, to fellowship with, and we know angels have free will (see Lucifer), but for a reason we'll never know this side of Heaven, He wanted something more. He wanted a creation, made in His image, who would begin with a clean slate. What greater love is there than one that is CHOSEN? You see none of us 'have' to love God and Jesus . . . we all have the choice of whether to or not.
Before Adam fell prey to the serpent in the garden of Eden, God walked with Adam and Eve, He talked with them, he taught them, he loved them. Can you imagine what that must've been like?! The Creator of the Universe physically walking beside you and talking with you and although that was enough for them, the serpent was crafty and for one split second they let their guard down, entertained the temptation of the Tree of Knowledge and fell into disobedience.
Their choice changed things. God no longer physically walks with us, at least not where we can see Him, but His craving to fellowship and know us has not changed one iota! Jesus dying on the cross was the Great Reconciliation of us back to the Father . . . it was the ultimate in a long history of 'making up.'
Just like He wanted to spend time with Adam and Eve, and have them know Him, He wants to know us and have us know Him!
I've heard it said life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. I believe the moments we feel most alive are simply gifts from God. Moments so exhilirating we can't put them into words-- the times we laugh so much our stomachs hurt, or smile so big our cheeks feel stuck, our moments of achievement, our moments of education, our moments of sadness, our moments of failure, I believe are all presents. Without the bitter taste of defeat, would we fully appreciate the sweet taste of victory? Without the moments of pain, would we depend on God? Without doubt, would we turn to faith?
He loves us so much-- He allows us to have these special moments . . . warm embraces from the Father Himself. To see a beautiful sunset, feel the sun on our skin, see the radiant white snowflakes fall from the sky, to look into your child's eyes for the first time, to feel grains of sand between your feet, to be on the receiving end of that warm smile, soft touch, or kind word is to experience His love! To see your kid score a touchdown, win the race, make the game-winning shot or watch him hit a home run are all great, but the gift is not found in their performance, but in the simple fact you are sharing in that moment with them by watching them play!
Nature was created by God not just so the animals could have habitats, but as one of the most beautiful gifts this life can afford. The breaking waves reflect God's power and yet the ocean, when it's calm, also reflects His gentleness and peace. Trees bow down to their Creator when the wind blows. The wind itself blows throughout the earth, serving as a constant reminder He is with us. Rain falls, so while we may not be able to see Him, we can feel Him. The leaves change colors to serve as an example of how we should live-- though different in colors we are nonetheless beautiful and can co-exist with the same harmony of the trees.
I believe we are put here on earth to do one thing-- REFLECT God's glory. Each one of us are given gifts and talents. . . not just SOME of us. ALL OF US! And while the gifts and talents may be as different as the ones who possess them, the reason why they were given to us was for the same reason-- to give God glory!
One of my favorite scriptures is 2nd Cor. 4:7
'We have been made jars of clay, so everyone will see the unsurpassable power and glory belongs to God . . . not us!'
In my opinion, one of the most despicable things we can do is to use these gifts and talents for our OWN gain. To do so is idolatry. You can quote all the Scripture you want, and talk to the Lord without ceasing, but if you make your gifts, talents and life about YOU and not about the Father-- you need to check your heart!
That's not me saying that-- look what He says!
'I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.' Isaiah 42:8.
They are meant to further the Kingdom . . . for everyone who sees them in action to say, 'Isn't the Lord great!?' Not so they can say, 'Isn't he or she great!?'
I know He could've chosen anyone to give the talents and gifts He has given me, so I'm learning how to show Him I am grateful for Him choosing me! I am trying to multiply them ALL for His glory! The pursuit of Him and to reflect His glory are the only things that matter. He, and His Kingdom, is the only thing that's real! Everything else is counterfeit.
I am not humble only because I know it's the right thing to do in God's eyes (Proverbs 25:6 and James 4:6), but rather because I know where my gifts, talents and very life come from . . . from above, 'Every good and perfect gifts comes from above.' James 1:17.
I strive to walk in humility and in gratitude because of that with the knowledge just as quickly as He has so freely given me these things, He can allow them to be taken.
Where's the Love?
The final reason we're here on earth is through Love (Jesus) pointing others to our Love!
I can't imagine how the Lord God Almighty must feel to see beautiful gifts and talents being used as idols . . . and as tools of destruction. . . to see gifts meant to reflect His glory and bring the beholder closer to Him being used as reasons to treat others like they're not even worthy of their time much less of their kindness. We all have issues with sin, but the way we treat others is the most elementary one to correct and it comes down to four letters-- LOVE!
The Bible clearly states this in many places, including the Matthew 7:12, which is known as the Golden Rule.
'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'
'You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders, and all of you clothe yourselves in humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.'
(1st Peter 5:5-6)
'And so, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humily, gentleness and patience.' (Colossians 3:12)
Being famous, having tons of money or big-time status does not mean you are better than anyone; it just means God has given you more so that you can can do more for the Kingdom with it! Take a look at Luke 12:48, 'To whom much is given, much is required.'
Agape love, the way we are called to love our fellow man, is a love without expectation. It's loving because He first loved us . . . truly altruisticly! When you put another's needs and wants in front of your own, embracing being a servant, that's when you have loved as God wants us to love. When you give, not out of an overflow of what you have, but out of faith that God (Jehovah Jireh) will make provision for you, so although you don't have 'it' to give now you give anyway; that's when you are being the arms and feet of Christ.
Does the way you love bring people closer to the Lord and does the love and joy you share cause unbelievers to want to experience that same type of joy and love through accepting Jesus as their Savior because they want it too?
We all have one life, and three reasons for that life, how will you live yours today?
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Chasing after the Wind
OK, raise your hand . . . how many of you would run after a poisonous snake?
Hmmm . . . what about charging a lion?
Ooh, I got one. . . how many of you would run toward a bear?
I know what you're thinking, 'He's crazy!' Am I? We chase, no relentlessly pursue, things that are hazardous ALL the time . . . things that are dangerous to our well-being-- our spiritual well-being, thus harmful to our lives!
Let the Chase Begin
We pursue sex, money, power, respect, the opposite sex, status. Pursue, pursue, pursue . . . chase, chase, chase until our feet get tired, but guess what? They don't! That's how the devil works. He knows there is just one piece left to complete our puzzle. ONLY one puzzle piece remains one that will make us happy, give us joy and bring us peace. So while we look for it, Satan empties another box, pieces that don't even go to the puzzle, pouring the pieces onto the floor so we will quit searching for the one we need-- the One that COMPLETES our puzzle.
But something happens when we see all the pieces litter the floor of our lives, we try to make MANY fit the space they were never intended for. Sex, money, power, respect, the opposite sex status etc. NONE of those things are bad if used in the proper way. The problem is we are never satisfied!
God made us that way. The only dilemma of our thirst for more is it was given to us as a precious gift not so we could lust after things that, at best, can only bring temporary happiness. The gift is meant to be utilized in the way of Psalm 42:1, in that as the deer longeth for the water so our souls longeth after Thee (God), but surprise, surprise the devil corrupts and distorts it where we are longing after ANYTHING but Him and the innate instinct, when not used in the right context, actually becomes a bad thing! That's what the devil does . . . he takes Truth and sprinkles just enough of a lie onto it to seem like it's still truth. He takes something intended for our good and uses it against us.
Back to the puzzle, here's the kicker! While we frantically, and stubbornly, try to press these puzzle pieces in, we have the missing piece that DOES fit in our other hand. . . it's been there all along!
That piece is JESUS.
King Solomon calls ALL of it a 'chasing after the wind.' I will speak for myself in saying that I have been, and still am at times, a wind-chaser! 'Yet when I had seen all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind. Nothing was gained under the sun.' Ecclesiastes 1:11. This was not a successful merchant, fisherman or tradesman, this was the king . . . a king so materially rich, Bill Gates, Oprah, Michael Jordan and Warren Buffett are in envy of. I'll let the gravity of those words fall on you and I pray while they do the scales will be removed off your eyes.
Not only was he King, but he was the wealthiest . . . he had concubines (women galore), had a palace (the likes of which will never be seen again this side of Heaven), he had power, had the people's respect and diamonds and jewels Zales could only dream of!
Or what about, 'I have seen all the things done under the sun, all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.' Eccl. 1:14. Or what about (See Eccl. 1:12-18.)
Solomon's eyes were opened to pursuing ANYTHING other than God Almighty is counterfeit, is not lasting and is ultimately not as meaningful as the Great Pursuit!
It's Time to Fix our Buckets!
Friends, how could we not be frustrated, depressed, sad, discontent with our lives? How many of us are wind-chasers? We have a bucket that we desperately try to fill. The only problem with our buckets is it has a hole in it! Yet instead of taking the time, energy, effort and humility needed for God to fix our buckets, we just keep trying to fill it. That, my brothers and sisters, is being human (remember we were all born sinners) but it is also INSANITY! Pure foolishness.
We watch hamsters and think how stupid they are for running in a circle and never getting anywhere. Yet, there is only a small remnant of believers who have remembered the puzzle piece is right there in their hand, who have gotten their buckets fixed and who have gotten off the treadmill. So, I ask-- how are we any different?
How do we get our buckets fixed? It's a process. I've heard, 'You don't come to Jesus ALL cleaned up, you come to Jesus to get ALL cleaned up,' and it's the truth. As a believer and follower of Christ, you are always on the gurney (surgery table). God, our Creator, is taking out of us things that hinder us and putting into us the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and I truly believe this surgery does not end until our earthly missions are over and we are in His presence either via death or at the Second Coming!
What's success?
The world views success as who has the biggest mansion, the nicest car, the best job, the best body, the most money in their bank account, who has the sexiest, most beautiful spouse, the smartest and most well-behaved kids. Those all equal status and status = success in our eyes. Yet, while many measure success with 000,000,000s, God measures success kind of like a golf's tournament Closest to the Pin competition, who can get the closest to another 0 . . . Zero selfishness and zero sin. Who can live, love, laugh and give ALL, and ONLY, through His strength and Him dwelling in them and for His glory!
Who walks in John 3:30-- more Jesus in their lives and less of themselves. Who is obedient? Who fights the fight daily by yielding themselves to Him and letting the Lord guide their paths? (Proverbs 3:5-6) Who shares Jesus and plants seeds of eternal life in non-believers? (Matt. 9:37) Who delights in being just a clay jar (2nd Cor. 4:7), who worships Him, walks in gratitude (Psalm 63:3-4) and loves people in such a way they lead them to Him through their actions and treatment of others.
The danger of chasing is a double-edged sword unless you are pursuing Jesus, you either never catch all those other things or even worse you do, which WITHOUT Him IS deadly!
'What good does it do to gain the world, but lose your very soul in the process?' Mark 8:36
If you have EVERYTHING this life can afford yet do not have Jesus, you have NOTHING.
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