Sunday, December 25, 2016

He'll have His Home~ The true meaning of Christmas

~The TRUE meaninG of CHRISTmas~ John Mark Brooks

Last night at Emmanuel Lutheran's candlelight-service; I witnessed the TRUE meaning of Christmas. There, in the midst of 100+ people, was a man in jeans and a sweater. . . Unshaven and a little disheveled. But that's not what made him stand out in a small sea of people dressed to the nines.

What made him special was He had a hunger, a deep longing, for the King born in a manger, who died as a 'criminal,' a rebel and an outcast.

See, he didn't warm up a car to come to worship. Didn't take a shower, shave or pick an outfit, but he shined like that star over Bethlehem.

Why? Because this man was like our Savior was when He was born-- homeless without a place to lay his head. However, that did not stop him from being there.

I watched him; tears welled up in my eyes. When someone needed to slide in the pew, he stepped out in the aisle, as a gentleman with his hands folded behind his back. He sung his lungs out: whole-heartedly and with each word shrouded in gratitude. How could one man with so LITTLE have so MUCH joy and a beautiful response of grace and appreciation?!?

As pastor Mike Collins shared a message on how we can find God's Presence in the beautiful and ugly, wonderful and terrible, in the smooth-sailing and in the storms of life; this man listened intently. Jesus was born into our messy world, so He could take our mess and make it His~ powerful, poignant and relevant no matter where you find yourself on the spectrum of circumstances or mood. What was feared to be a 'mess,' as Mike lost his sermon notes, turned into a beautiful, timeless message straight from the heart of God.

With the service drawing to a close, with my amazing Mom beside me, there he was singing . . . "Silent Night, holy night all is calm, all is bright." My heart was filled with compassion, thankfulness and perspective.

Jesus-- the Nazerene-- died just as much for the all too easily-labeled, and looked down, homeless man as He died for me, the pastor or the CEO of the company.

I couldn't help but smile because, as I prayed for God to protect this precious man as he left, I could only think of one thing . . . For one day I know He will not only have a home~ He will be HOME (Heaven).

And that, that's the TRUE meaning of Christmas . . . That strangers can become friends . . . Orphans become sons and daughters . . . And the lost become not only found, but find true Hope, Love, Peace and Joy!

Dream a Little Dream

Close your eyes. With your eyes closed, I want you to picture your biggest dreams. A tall order for sure. But not only your biggest d...