Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Pass on By

You pass on by and I’m broken don’t even have enough clothes to keep me warm

But you’re lost in the hustle and bustle, so you don’t notice, I guess that just the norm

As you pass on by, I see the cross dangling, from your neck, and I can’t believe you’re so cold

I thought we were supposed to look after one another, and protect, I guess that code’s grown old

So, pass on by, don’t even look me in the face, you might actually see a human being

It never ceases to amaze how many ears are deaf and how many blind eyes that should be seeing

Pass on by and go back to your nice home, warm shower and all the food you can eat

I’ll go back to under the bridge, and this thin blanket, I hear they’re calling for snow and sleet

I had a tent, in the woods, but somebody stole it one afternoon while I was away

It turns out even angels can have a terrible, horrible, bad day!

See, I was sent from Heaven, on assignment, to find one soul He could bless

But I’ll just pass on by since you ignored me and treated me lesser than less

It’s just like the Master said, “Be nice to strangers for they may be angels unaware”

And one crossed your path today, but you showed no love or care

You chose to pass on by, so too, will I do the same

At the end of your life’s journey will the Book of Life hold your name?

Or did you lead a life so selfish that you passed on by those who hurt so much

Were you too busy running your race to be someone else’s crutch?

I’ve never understood how the King doesn’t just look at you and pass on by

When you fail to notice his goodness in the valleys or peaks on high

I will continue my assignment for I know many still know how to love

The ones who still know how to be kind and gentle in a world known for its shove.

And on them He will pour out His blessings better yet pour out Himself

It amazes me how you say you love Him, but leave His Book sitting on the shelf.

+Hope Abounds+

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