I caught her out of the corner of my eye. I walked faster, careful not to make eye contact.
As I scurried past her, I was almost annoyed. Maybe more uneasy than annoyed after all, I didn't know her. That's a lie-- I judged her. Normally, I don't, but I did. She was a homeless woman probably just wanting money.
Why was she crying? She must be a little coo coo as in she's crazy. No sooner did I walk about 20 feet before the Holy Spirit stopped me smack dab in my tracks. 'Go find her. You must talk to her.'
There was only one problem . . . when I turned around she was gone. I quickly scanned the area and, viola, there she was across the street (four lanes) in the big city.
Without thinking, I started darting across as traffic closed in. Good thing I didn't trip. When I reached her the guilt I felt for not stopping for this middle-aged black woman had been replaced by the natural, God-given compassion I had for her in my heart.
She was sobbing. Tears poured out of her eyes-- I opened my arms. She embraced me like an old friend. I just held her as she said, 'Thank you so much. Oh my God. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.'
That's when it hit me. She had been given a blanket by a Hands on Charlotte (www.handsoncharlotte.org) group and she was overwhelmed somebody cared enough to give her something. Honestly, it could've been ANYTHING . . . just the act of love . . . was what meant more than the gift itself. But as cold as it had been (especially at night), a blanket caused more gratitude to come forth!
As she was in my arms sobbing as if someone had died, I prayed for her. I felt the Holy Spirit and heard the Lord say, 'Well done my son.'
I apologized for not stopping initially and for passing her on by. She told my friend and me how much she appreciated us talking to her. My friend shared how life/God has a way of humbling us and how that's something we all can relate to. All I had done was pray for her and she acted like, between that blanket and a couple of simple caring gestures, she had been given the world.
What a tremendous metaphor of my reluctance to stop at first and then heeding the call. In life, you might not have gotten it 'right,' or been obedient, the first go around, but there is usually another chance to redeem yourself. The past doesn't matter, but the condition of your heart and following through on good intentions, carpe minutam (seize the minute), definitely do. Will you get it right the next time? That's how we grow.
It was also a tangible example of how our spirit is often willing to be guided by God, but our flesh is not. I'm sure there were unseen powers/demons at work as we made our way down the sidewalk as she cried out.
Tears were in my eyes too, and flowed down my face, as I encouraged her to find someone she could live with, to find a job and find more purpose for her life. I shared with her how much Jesus loves her and He has not forsaken her! When I prayed, I asked for provision, for protection, for the Way-maker to do just that in her life-- make a way. To give her a revelation of His unconditional, relentless and whole love for her, His precious daughter, just that this would not be end for her.
She shared how she used to be a 'crackhead,' and how now, through God's deliverance, she was now sober and had been for about five years.
As we walked, and after I gave her some money, she shared a story about a rich man who was taunting her one day. Her response to his taunts showed more wisdom than he will likely ever have! She said, 'I may not be Donald Trump. I may not have as much money as Bill Gates, but I'm richer than you will ever be!'
At that moment, I thought of the verse Mark 10:25, 'It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.' Does that mean if you're wealthy you don't go to Heaven? Absolutely not-- it just means there is a certain arrogance that comes with the love of money, that causes a person not to deeply depend on God anymore, a condition that hardens your heart.
Money replaces God on the throne of many wealthy people's heart. Not all, but many. I acknowledge there are believers, who happen to be rich, who do love as Christ has called us to love and give out of the overflow of their heart and bank accounts, but it is more difficult.
What happened next blew me away. As I stood listening to great wisdom. The teacher, of the moment, continued.
'I go to church every Sunday. I tell God. . . You kept me safe Monday-Saturday, I will come to Your house and to say, 'Thank you on your day!''
Wow, what perspective!! A blanket was cherished like a million dollars and though she had very little, she did have an attitude of gratitude. I thought of myself and how I don't always go to church to tell Him thank You . . . most Sundays but not every single one. Then I thought of all the people, who have so much more, who have no desire to be in the Lord's house (much less with the prime objective being to tell God thank You).
This was a tri-fold blessing moment (TBM) where you bless God through your action, you bless the other person and you are also blessed. The best kind of blessing this life can afford along with simply knowing Him.
As my new friend walked off. I reflected, 'Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without even knowing it.' (Hebrews 13:2)
Did she disappear down the alley only to be reassigned in another place to test someone else's heart? Was she truly an angel?
She was to me.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The Feast~ Part III
Why is God's son/daughter rummaging through the dumpster?
Hear that!?! You are God's child, His beloved, the apple of His eye. No matter what you've done in the past, the lies you've believed, the sins you've committed, the times you've failed the King. You are STILL his child!
Each minute, each hour, each week, each month and each year Almighty God is inviting you to a Feast. What is the Feast? Him! The beauty of the Lord is you can have as much of Him as you want or you can have as little due to free will.
How many of us Christians, people who are arrogant enough to call ourselves followers (when often we ONLY follow our own selfish desires), get by on scraps? We will read JUST ENOUGH scripture, pray JUST ENOUGH, go to church JUST ENOUGH, listen to God JUST ENOUGH. There are MANY believers, who just 'go through the motions.' We will go to church every Sunday, pray at night and maybe listen to an inspirational song from time to time. . . and yet we never get to intimately know the One we are 'performing' for.
Christianity is not about performance . . . it is relationship. Sure faith without works is dead (James 2:20), but it's only through unmerited favor, unconditional love and relentless mercy we are called His children. It's not about what you're doing; it's about WHY you are doing it! 'You believe that there is only one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-- and tremble!' (James 2:19).
He wants as much of us as we are willing to give Him. He wants us to have more joy, more contentment, to fill us up with knowledge, wisdom, faith, love, compassion, but we can not have this deep satisfaction apart from Him.
So, the analogy of digging through the garbage to find enough to eat is symbolic of how we believe the king's attendant. Remember? 'The King no longer wishes for you to sit there and because of what you've done he no longer wants your presence at His feast.' That's a LIE!
What the devil doesn't want you to know is Jesus' grace covers it ALL. All the times you've been disobedient, operated out of your own selfish desires, all the times you ate the attendant's candy, chosen counterfeit over real, are not only forgiven by the King, but they are wiped from His memory (Isaiah 43:25 'I, even I, am He who blots out your trangressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sin no more!' Is that not unbelievable and extremely encouraging!?!
He still wants the abundant life for you (John 10:10). What's the abundant life? It's simple really. HIM. Knowing Him, Him knowing you, worshiping Him, loving on Him, letting the Creator of the Universe love you . . . that's the life more abundantly! I was, you were (maybe still are) that one sheep (Matthew 18:12) who has wondered away from the flock.
We only know the King because He wanted to know us first. He pursued us first. We were lost, He came to find us. Before we even knew how lost we were, He had already set out on his search to find us. That's how much He loves each one of us! Conventional wisdom says why would you leave 99 in search of one . . . guess what? Our God's love is anything but conventional! It's radical, it's powerful, it's transforming, it's unmerited-- NONE of us deserve it, so embrace it, quit trying to understand how it works!!
He still wants your fellowship, your presence, your love, Jesus wants YOU-- your soul, your heart, your time, your gifts, your talents, your very life!
'But not the King. He is, at this point, sobbing unbeknownst to his guests.'
God, the King, grieves for the lost, unbelievers, it breaks His heart. Yet many of us Christians either aren't affected by that or just don't care. We are surrounded by people, who are going hell, every single day and we don't ever say a word with our actions, with our mouth or with either.
'What's the King doing? He's left the feast. In His sorrow, he assembled a search party. Who are they looking for? YOU!'
'The guests don't even notice He's gone.'
We are sadly content-- no not all of us-- on just having the King's food. As long as we have His blessings in our life, which are not bad with perspective, some of us don't even notice the King is gone. Sure, we still believe, but we have turned His blessings, and gifts and talents, into idols. We may say we give God the glory, but our actions do not reflect it. We ONLY give ourselves, our loved ones, our possessions glory that should be, first and foremost, reserved for the KING!
I don't know about you, but the cry of my heart is to be the first one at the table to realize when the King's gone . . . when He's left the table. When areas of my life do not reflect His love, His mercy, His forgiveness and grace. When appearance-wise I may look like a Superman Christian, but in my heart the King is no longer on the throne. When I am doing good things, but I'm missing the Giver of Good while I'm doing them. When I no longer have a burden to want to be used to reach the lost with Jesus Christ, King Yeshua. When I no longer want to tithe to the church/Lord (because, if I do, I won't be able to pay my bills). When I have lost the desire to give to those less fortunate than me.
You are in a far away land, you have received an invitation from the King . . . will you answer it with a yes?
If so, pray this prayer~ I confess I'm a sinner. I confess I need a Savior. I'm asking you Jesus to come into my heart right now. I want you to be my God, my Savior, my Best Friend, my Teacher, my HOPE and Guide. I bind up satan in the precious blood of Jesus. I know I will fall down sometimes and I know that everyday from this day forth you will be with me through the good, through the bad and through the ugly. Thank you. It's in your name I pray AMEN
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Feast Part II
You hear voices. You hear footsteps. They are coming closer.
Your adrenaline starts rushing. From a distance, you think you recognize the visage of the King Himself. You must be dreaming!
He calls out your name. Though your lips can barely quit quivering long enough to form a reply.
'Is that you? Where have you been,' He asks with unbridled excitement coursing through every word.
Ashamed you hurriedly try to wipe the dirt from the dumpster off your shirt and throw the food you were eating back into it in attempt to hide what you were eating was trash.
He does not snicker. He simply reaches his hand down to you. You take it-- in that moment all the pain, disappointment and deep hurt, from missing the banquet, is instantly washed away!
Nothing else matters except these grains of sand in the hourglass. The King lifts you to your feet. All the King's men rejoice with Him.
He wraps His loving arms around you and begins to sob. Tears of Joy.
While you're happy . . . you're also overwhelmed and confused. Overwhelmed by the love you are being shown, yet confused because what about the message He relayed, saying you were no longer welcome.
You muster up the courage to confront Him about asked to leave the banquet. King or no King-- you feel you deserve an explanation.
'She told me that not only was that place not mine, to the left of you, but that you no longer wanted me at the feast. That she had heard of the terrible things I've done and that a person like that is not worthy of the King's presence.'
'I just don't understand. You sent for me from a distant land only to treat me like this?!?'
With deep understanding and concern He looks at you.
'This can not be. Tell me more," he says as the look that was once on his face is replaced with anger.
You describe her. What she's wearing, what she looks like, her beauty, her voice, her height. You tell the King everything. How cunning she is.
An immediate decree is given out, saying the messenger will be put to death. She is to be burned alive. (Rev. 20:10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever.)
The King interrupts.
'You are to come with me back into the hall where you will enjoy the same food you should've partaken in earlier.'
'Furthermore, you will live in a castle I will have constructed for you (John 14:2) 'til the day your earthly journey has come to an end. You accepted my invitation (John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life) and you are now family,' he says as you can hardly believe the words hitting your ears.
How can this be? In a moment's time you went from being a stranger to the King to a member of His family. This is the BEST day you've ever had!
The Pauper has become a Prince. The King REIGNS!! (Psalms 45:6~ Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your Kingdom.)
The Feast (Part I)
The table is set.
Esteemed guests have made their way to the King's table, coming from near and far.
There are placards at every seat at a table that seemingly has no end. The aroma is unlike anything you've ever smelled. So many scents intertwining and strangely enough your nose is able to distinguish between the various foods.
Familiar faces align the table and many you do not know. They sound the trumpets. Your heart begins to pound. The King is entering the room. You've spent hours roaming to and fro looking for your name and can't find it.
The small, still voice inside you guides you closer and closer to the head of the table. This must be some sort of mistake. Your eyes can't believe what they're seeing. You are seated to the left of the King within an arm's reach.
Though uneasy you begin to sit down. When you do a member of the opposite sex, who has a captivating smile, twinkle in their eyes, dressed to the nine's walks over to you. They are stunning. With a smile, manners that instantly tear through your defenses. You are helpless. You feel so at-ease.
'I'm sorry but the King no longer desires you to sit there,' he/she says.
Wow. Those words sting. They're some of the most hurtful words you've ever heard. Though you have never personally met the King-- He is still the ruler of the land, remains the most famous and powerful and though you've never shared the same airspace with Him, you still look up to and love Him.
They continue.
'I've heard from the King. He no longer wants you here as a guest of His feast.'
You burst into tears! Confused, hurt, heart-broken. You run outside behind the castle to the dumpster as the pangs of hunger overwhelm you.
How could this be?
One minute you felt so special only to be met with your worst nightmare. Not only were your ushered away, but people laughed at you. You were mortified. Your special day had become anything but.
Meanwhile, inside, the King has had His royal procession, concluding with Him taking His seat at the head of the table. As He is thanking everyone for coming . . . something unbelievable happens.
He goes on and on for 10 minutes, telling the distinguished and grateful guests how He was honored with one person's presence, being in attendance, in particular.
'This person is very special to me. He may not know it due to how he feels about himself, but he is amazing. Ladies and gentleman, I want you to give a big round of applause for my dear friend, my beloved _________."
He's talking about YOU!!
As the crowd roars and applause thunders throughout the banquet hall everyone looks around. You're nowhere to be found.
You hear the roar. You wonder what's going on, but you've been kicked out. Well, you weren't really banished. You chose to leave.
After a minute straight and awkward looks all around . . . the King's countenance is suddenly downcast. He calls his top aides over. Where is he?!? He makes no effort to hide the hurt as huge tears form in His eyes before rolling down His face. Although he is the richest man in the Kingdom, He is the most sincere, loving and compassionate as well.
With everyone not knowing what to do, and time standing still, with such an unbelievable sensory overload, the crowd's natural instincts take over. They begin to eat. Everyone is laughing, smiling, joking and soaking in the moment.
But not the King. He is, at this point, sobbing unbeknownst his guests.
Meanwhile, your natural instincts take over and though an invitation and faith brought you from a far-away land, you are HUNGRY.
You rummage through the dumpsters and with such a glorious feast what you find is enough to scrounge together a makeshift meal. It's not the amount of delectable goodness they are devouring inside the banquet hall, but it's enough.
At least you don't feel like you're starving anymore.
What's the King doing? He's left the feast. In his sorrow, he assembled a search team. Who are they looking for?
The guests don't even notice He's gone.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
You gave me this talent and in-turn I use it and give You the glory
Before the foundations of this earth you had already written my story
I give You glory not because of what You've done because of who You are
I worship You because not even sending Your Son to die was too much or too far
I fall to my knees in awe of Your beauty~ I am blinded by Your face
I'm overwhelmed by Your relentless mercy, truly drowned in Your grace
Glory! I shout out HallelujaH because you deserve all my praise
Worthy are you Jesus, my Sweet Savior, my God the Ancient of Days
I threw a fit, while You stood there saying, 'My son I know what's best'
Now I've learned to trust and obey Yeshua~ I've learned how to be blessed
But if I can't have You Lord I don't even want one crumb from Your hand
I just want to please You, not my flesh, I'm learning how to be Your man
I give You glory for You sit on the throne, but You're still with me in my room
I give you the praise, honor and glory for You died then rose from the tomb
I give You glory after all, that's simply what my life was designed to do
I give you glory because when I needed to be saved, you didn't say, 'Who?!'
Instead you rescued me before I even knew I was drowning
Your love spoke to my spirit & ever since has been resounding
Let me, every day, give You glory for You guiding me along life's path
Thank you for giving me hope and from keeping me from satan's wrath!
John Mark Brooks
Copyrighted April 10, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I'm Clark Kent~ NOT Superman!
It's a bird, it's a plane, na . . . it's really just a man.
What's it time for? It's time for Christians to take off the cape and quit acting like they're Superman! Instead of wanting to be on the front page of the Daily Planet, it's time for us to get in the phone booth.
The phone booth. Ah yes, the phone booth. That's where Superman undergoes his transformation. Where the unassuming Clark Kent rips off the suit and jerks the glasses off his face and up, up, up and away! He's off to save the day!!
Have you been in your phone booth lately? What do you mean?
Well in the phone booth~ the location where you read the Word (Bible), pray (listening and talking . . not just doing ALL the talking, after all, you have to believe the Creator of the Universe has 'something' to say you could benefit from (sarcastic tone), worship and intercede for your loved ones and strangers you don't even know and maybe never will even meet!
To quote MTV Cribs, 'It's where the magic happens!' haha (Get your mind out of the gutter). But for real, it's Cherith (look up Elijah) where you are prepared to be Superman.
On the surface, that, theory/truth, sounds great, but the problem is WAY TOO MANY of us believers want to masquerade like they're Superman!
Want the truth? We will NEVER be Superman. We won't EVER have all the answers, won't ever be able to, in our OWN power, swoop in and save the day and we won't ever be able to defeat Lex Luthor (satan) by ourselves!!
Who is Superman? Jesus . . . King Yeshua. He shot down from Krypton (Heaven), put on His cape after being born in Bethlehem to a virgin and carpenter and He did save the day by dying on the cross for ALL our sin-- past, present and future!
The ONLY way you can even be the 'stunt-double' of Superman is if you get in the phone booth! Yet some of us 'Christians' want to put on the tights, the cape and the boots and act like we have it ALL together.
You sin, you fail God, you take hurting people, who just need LOVE and you bang them over the head with the Bible and shamelessly and unapologetically call that doing God's work. All you are doing is driving people away from Christ and advancing Lex Luthor's kingdom!
While we know Lex Luther never is able to defeat Superman . . . we also don't want to give people Kryptonite instead of giving them compassion!
STOP FRONTING! STOP ACTING! REPENT and know ALL you will ever be is Clark Kent. You will never turn water into wine, never heal the blind and lame, never walk on water and you get squimish by needles, so you certainly will never allow nails to be hammered into your wrists and feet!
Embrace the fact you are just flesh and blood and can do nothing apart from God's unchanging hand. Embrace your flaws as Clark Kent, who by all acounts, is a 'nerd' and is far from a tough guy or super-hero! Embrace that Superman is on your side.
The King of Kings . . the Lord of Lords . . the Alpha and the Omega.. First and the Last. . the Beginning and the End. . All that is seen and unseen . . the Great I Am is on YOUR side!!
Stop, as Clark Kent, taking credit for the work of Superman. Stop taking credit for your blessings, they came from Him (James 1:17) . Stop taking credit for your good works . . . John 5:30 'I can of my own self do nothing!'
Some pastors, some Christian rappers and musicians promote themselves so much, you have to wonder, 'Who is he giving the glory??' Who is he worshipping? Fame is idoltry-- once you believe YOU did it thus robbing the Source of your blessings you are nothing more than wimpy Clark Kent taking the credit for something God did!
Stay in your lane . . . give God the glory, love, worship, praise and adoration for what He has done, for what He will do and for what He's going to do in your life. And if He never does another thing in your life, even one, He has already done more and given more than you or I deserve.
Leave it alone!! Be a good steward of the blessings you have in your life, but know that Colossions 1:17 is true-- He comes before the good works and before the blessings (His gifts) and ONLY in Him does everything hold together.
Get in the phone booth. Stay in the phone booth and leave the 'saving the day' stuff to Superman. After all, He's got the S on His chest!
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