Sunday, May 20, 2012


First, let me say in NO way is this letter written in any sort of condemnatory way . . . in fact, it's ALL out of love with life, encouragement and TRUTH, coursing through every word!

Here is the context for what God has asked me to tell you~ the message He wants delivered. (John 11:33-44).

When Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb, speaking his life back into him. I've felt how you feel before or at least similar! Like I said, more than once, I held the gun that would take my life as the devil sweetly and softly encouraged me to do it.

I thought of my family and friends and to be honest I thought of you. How could I witness to you the way I did about how great the Lord is and how He can change, radically transform, your life then snuff out the very life He gave me and make it look like everything I've ever shared with you was nothing more than a sham a big, fat lie!?

Satan is a LIAR!! God doesn't require us to do much, He does the heavy lifting, but I believe, and I say this with love and concern (love and concern shared by your family and friends), you HAVE to sit up!

See, He will do the rest. ALL He wants you to do is SIT UP!

I know what it feels like to know the devil is steadily shoveling dirt in on top of you and to hate it, but not enough to actually do something about it. And if you do hate it enough, not have the strength to do anything, in your own power, to change your situation. That's the GREAT news~ you don't have to do ANYTHING out of your own power.

I'm in no way, shape or form judging you for being upset, for being so discouraged and down. Life is hard sometimes. It sucks sometimes! Relationships end, people leave, jobs cease, friends die, we are let down by others and by ourselves and we're left picking up the pieces.

I can't imagine going through your current situation. But I promise you, if you just put one foot in front of the other and take ONE, that's ALL it will take is ONE, step . . . God will do what God does. (Eph. 3:20).

Even though this difficult place is on the opposite end of the spectrum as far as what you want, know God is using this for your good (Romans 8:28). He is sculpting a MASTERPIECE!! One that would make Michaelangelo blush a million times over!

You are a strong person with such a huge heart and you've overcome things before! You will do it again if you just press through until you reach the hem of Jesus' garment (Luke 8:40-48), letting NOTHING and NO ONE stand in your way, thus keeping you from the ONLY objective that MATTERS!

To be blunt with you, the devil has you right where he wants you-- down in the dumps, seeing everything as half empty instead of full and he has you tucked in what he believes will be your grave. It will NOT, in the mighty blood of Jesus/Yeshua (Hebrew), be your grave mighty child of God!

Instead, knowing 2nd Corinthians 12:9 is true and letting the Lord, even if you question and find yourself frustrated, mad and sad that He allowed this to happen, be YOUR strength! Matthew 11:30 is true, but we MUST give Him our burden in order for His yoke to be easy.

You are NOT alone~ PRAISE GOD!! You have many others who love you! Hang in there! I promise you, and I know from experience, if you praise Him in the storm, you will receive great favor and anointing, but even MORE importantly you will please Jesus (the King)! You trusting Him in the midst of the hardest/rockiest times in your life, utter chaos, will be a sweet aroma of praise to His nostrils and in doing so, you will deal a swift, violent, and INTENTIONAL kick right to the devil's face, confusing him and upsetting his plans!!

I believe in you . . . WE believe in YOU! We know you can turn this into another trophy in God's infinitely long and high trophy case. Remember that!? That's when the Lord took a HOPELESS situation, showed up, loved on me, reminded me who I am and not only took care of me, but reversed my situation, changed my attitude and like a new wineskin (Luke 5:36-39) FILLED me up with new hope, new LOVE and new BELIEF and knowledge that EVERYTHING is going to be OK!! (Jer. 29:11).

MIGHTY, AWESOME, FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made (Psalm 139:14) child of God, imago Dei (Image of God), allow His joy to be your strength!! (Nehemiah 8:10).

He WANTS to, desperately and with GREAT hope, belief in you and purpose, do the IMPOSSIBLE~ won't you let Him?

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