I complained about not having any shoes until I met a man with no feet. ~ Anonymous
When someone asks me how I'm doing, nine out of 10 times I'll say the same line~ although, to me, it's anything but a line.
"I'm blessed. Could be better, but could always be much worse!"
See, life is about perspective. God sees the beginning, middle & end. He sees the big picture where we tend to view life in snippets.
When our present cimcumstances are bad, adverse, difficult or just downright suck, it's easy to turn/view that snippet as the 'main attraction.'
How different would our lives be if we would view life in the scope of 'The big picture?'
What is the big picture?
I believe we aren't supposed to understand . . . we are ONLY to trust!!
Think about the people in your life, your inner circle, who you confide in the most. You do that because you TRUST them. Why is it not so with Jesus Christ? Our Savior, Best Friend & very Entity, who gives our life purpose!
Far too many times we say we trust the Lord, but when the first drop of rain, signaling a personal storm in our lives, comes our trust is in shambles or disappears altogether.
We must NOT be the ship/vessel so easily tossed about by the waves! We should, emphasis on should, trust THE ANCHOR (Jesus) no matter if there is not one ripple worth of waves, and all is calm on a not-a-cloud in the sky day, or if the waves are 50-feet on all sides, the thunder sounds like thousands of herds of buffalo, tsunami-like rain falling & lightning strikes abound.
We praise Him and thank Him when all is hunky-dory, we must do the same when the foundations of our life are shaken to the very core. When tragedy strikes!
True trust is taking someone's hand, in this case God's, and not asking where you're going, how long you will stay or if it will be a pleasant trip. . . asking nothing, knowing He is trustworthy & will NEVER take you anywhere, or allow you to go, without bringing you through it and without being right by your side, and in some cases carrying you!!
The Creator of the Universe by your side . . . wow, if that's not empowering, reassuring & encouraging, I don't know what is!
His grace will always be sufficient enough! (2 Cor. 12:9)
That is TRUE trust!
I know what it's like to SAY you trust the Lord, but when things go all to kabookie (when it hits the fan) . . . not trusting AT ALL, because you panic!
I have done that numerous times . . . too many to count.
But always remember Romans 8: 17 & 18 "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of his present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
And Romans 5:3 "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance."
Struggles, adversity & tragedies are never fun, but (and it's not comforting to type) they are necessary for growth! They are what draw us into a more intimate walk and depth with our Savior-- they CAN & will strengthen your relationship with Him!!
I realize trials are never easy, and that for some reason (only God knows why) certain people have to go through more than others.
Could it be certain people have a greater calling on their lives than others? Maybe some need to be put through a more extensive refining process, need to be prepared longer? I believe both are true!
While I don't know why he allows certain people to have harder lives than others, two verses provide insight~ John 13:7 & 1 Corinthians 13:12~ They give reason to believe in Heaven, we will have many, if not all, our questions answered.
"Jesus was talking to His disciples and He said, 'You don't know why I'm doing these things, but later you will." (John 13:7)
'For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am also known.' (1 Cor. 13:12)
The reason why trials often times crush us is because the devil causes us to doubt Romans 8:28 that simply, yet candidly, says ALL things work together for the good of those called according to His purpose!
We ask ourselves, and in some cases ask/cry out to Him, if you LOVE me so much (sarcastic tone) then why am I going through the this!?! And the devil smiles and whispers more doubt and brings more confusion into our minds and hearts until we are overwhelmed. . . yes with the circumstance, but more with the underlying questions, which are. . . is God faithful and how can this possibly work together for the good and for God's glory?!?
Once Satan has succeeded, is able, to get you more focused on questioning God's faithfulness versus praising Jesus and trusting Him no matter the circumstance, he has won the battle.
That's why in 1st Thessalonians 5:18 we are implored to "Give thanks in ALL circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
As I sat there eating a chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A, it hit me like a ton of bricks. There are far GREATER people, in terms of purity, integrity, compassion and character, who will not get to eat one single morsel of food today.
Last night, in talking to two dear friends: Grayson (@Professor12) & Amy (@BigBlockChick), two believers, who don't take their blessings for granted & know what it's like to overcome adversity and the importance of relying on their faith, we have MUCH to be thankful for!
There are people who wish they could take one step for they can not talk.
Hear one word for they can not hear.
Speak one word for they can not speak.
Smell one scent for they can not smell.
Feel one thing for they do not have the sense of touch.
Maybe you walk into an empty house, I do, where as my Dad says, "You walk into empty & lonely ain't far behind."
But MANY have no home to come home to. No bed to lie their head.
Maybe you don't have the car you want, but you have a car.
Maybe you don't have the clothes you want, but at least you have clothes.
Maybe the food is 'nasty,' but at least you have food.
I'm guilty of this . . . sometimes I'm frustrated and angry when the fast food place messes up my order, but I TRY to quickly check myself through the reminder I am just blessed to be in the position to have food when many, not just in third-world countries but here in America, do not.
Try to thank the Lord for the blessings you DO have versus allowing the Devil to get you focused on what you DO NOT have!!
So many times in life, we focus on what we want instead of being thankful for what we have or instead of loving the ones, who want to be in our lives and who show they truly have our best interests at heart and love us, we have, we seek out & concern ourselves with why so & so (insert name) doesn't show us more attention, putting more futile effort into being the lone car on the two-way road we call friendship.
We shout out, Lord throw us 'a bone,' when we're figuratively surrounded by more bones than a cemetary! But without awareness & an attitude of gratitude these blessings are overlooked!
Here in the United States, we live in an instant gratification/spoiled country, where what we have is not enough and what we don't have, we want. . . and when we want it, we want it now!
We say, 'God bless America,' but like my Mom says, 'It's time for America to bless God!'
In the midst of all of it, take time, right now & often, to give thanks for what we DO HAVE. Maybe you aren't satisfied with it, but you've still been blessed with it! Some people don't have 'it.'
Let's all quit acting like damn spoiled entitled brats and give thanks~ not just on Thanksgiving~ let it be a way of life!
We have SO much and yet our level of gratitude is SO small!
And when we're faced with adversity, let us remember 1 Peter 1:7
"These trials will show that your faith is genuine. Ti is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold-- though your faith is far more precious than mere gold (or your crib/house, car, SUV, bank account, success, fame etc.). So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world."
Until that AWESOME day comes, let us be . . .
Friday, November 25, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
It's all about Directions
All of us have God looking DOWN on us (Hebrews 12:1 & Matthew 6:4)~ not in a bad way . . . just meaning we believe Heaven is above, so therefore He looks down on our actions, watching, observing & recording.
No matter whether it's the masses, some or just a handful, we all have those who look UP to us! Celebrities/athletes aren't the only ones who are role models~ we ALL are!! We all have someone who admires us, looks up to us or at the very least watches our actions. Therefore, unless we want our sons, daughters, nieces, nephews or grandchildren to emulate our bad behavior, we need to straighten up how we act and change things we do.
So, it's important we act/do RIGHT, so our blessings don't get LEFT behind!
While it's true the ultimate test of character is how you act when no one is looking, those actions (whether good or bad) aren't the most far reaching, meaning affecting the most people. They are, however, imperative in preparing us to play the game of life!
See, it's practicing when it's just ourselves, God, the devil, our flesh & the temptation, but otherwise no one else around. . . just our computer, our phone, our TV etc. . . . it becomes the game when one or more gets involved.
If you operate in integrity, and no I am NOT claiming I always do (I fall short A LOT~ more times than I would like to admit), when you're alone, you will lay a great foundation to just carry that over when others are around . . . THE GAME!
Remember, it's like my Dad has told me numerous times, you play how you practice!
Blessings meaning us blessing the Lord, blessing others through altruistic acts (selfless) of love & empathy and finally, us getting blessed, nurturing our Spirit man (the Holy Spirit/our soul) through these acts that reaffirm our self-worth and purpose and any other blessings (Mal. 3:10) our Heavenly Father pours down on us, whether in Heaven or here on earth, as a result of being obedient in loving our brothers & sisters the way He has called us to do.
Selfless acts are tri-fold blessings~ they please God, they bless the other person by making them happy and giving them encouragement through validation & we are blessed because it meshes with that deep part in each one of us that SCREAMS, yet subtly & gently whispers, 'Life isn't about us & we are made to love!
So, it's all about directions~ DOWN, UP, RIGHT, LEFT! It's not a Nintendo code, like Super Contra haha, it's a code that has more of an impact than unlimited lives on a video game, it has the potential to give you UNLIMITED LIFE while here on earth.
Copyright John Mark Brooks
September 4, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I've had enough of life, the time has come for my suicide
I thought I was chasing truth, but turns out truth lied
There is no more hope, this life has to me killed
No one can help, I'm drowninG, my fate is already sealed
Like Ol' Blue Eyes, I've always done it My Way
Leaving nothinG in my wake but a life lived in gray
So, I'm laying it down, I have run my race
HopinG I'll be met with loving arms & grace
To those who tried to help me, it's not your fault
The devil weaves his webs & sometimes we just get caught
It's not with pills, a gun, a razor-blade, a car or knife
That I will end this empty, always-chasing life
No, on my knees with the Word in my hand
That I will once & for all kill this WRETCH of a man
Arise, arise, arise CHRIST is my soul's only plea
While these chapters & verses crucify . . . . . . ME!
Copyright John Mark Brooks July 12, 2011
I thought I was chasing truth, but turns out truth lied
There is no more hope, this life has to me killed
No one can help, I'm drowninG, my fate is already sealed
Like Ol' Blue Eyes, I've always done it My Way
Leaving nothinG in my wake but a life lived in gray
So, I'm laying it down, I have run my race
HopinG I'll be met with loving arms & grace
To those who tried to help me, it's not your fault
The devil weaves his webs & sometimes we just get caught
It's not with pills, a gun, a razor-blade, a car or knife
That I will end this empty, always-chasing life
No, on my knees with the Word in my hand
That I will once & for all kill this WRETCH of a man
Arise, arise, arise CHRIST is my soul's only plea
While these chapters & verses crucify . . . . . . ME!
Copyright John Mark Brooks July 12, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
A Letter from God
I love you my child~ that's what I want you to know! You can go every single day for the rest of your life not keeping my commandments & I wouldn't love you any less! Or you can go every single day for the rest of your life doing My work & I wouldn't love you any more!
You are my beloved. . . the apple of my eye. . . I send warm rays of sunshine onto your skin to let you feel the warmth of My love. . . when you hear the birds sing songs of worship to Me, it's Me whispering 'I love you!' When you see the purity of a child, their innocence & unwavering faith in a kid's eyes, it's Me reminding you I am with you! When you hear the waves rolling in, it's me demonstrating how powerful yet gentle I am.
When you feel a soft breeze, it is Me hugging you! Every day, if you just look around, you will see countless (although, I know the exact number) examples of how I am there!! Your Father just showing His love for all His dear children!
When it rains~ those are My tears. . . I am so happy. . . those are tears of joy! I am your proud Papa & with your ways I am well-pleased!! The rain also contains teardrops because I see so many of you hurting! I see wars, homelessness, murder, hunger, robbery, despair, hopelessness, lies, cheating, pain, people doing Godly acts not with a heart to please me, broken marriages, marriages where one or both stay & they shouldn't. . . I cry because my beloved creation has turned its back on me.
People often point out I hate divorce~ I hate ALL sin!
Instead of running to Me. . . to talk, to tell Me thank You, to worship Me. . . you blame Me~ still I love! I changeth not!! I am the same yesterday, today & forever!! As my love letter, that which you call the Bible, says I have collected each & every tear you cry & I have recorded each one in My book (Psalm 56:8).
All those lonely days & nights when you cried endless tears & felt like David, a man after My own heart, when he said, 'My tears have been my food both day & night (Psalm 42:3), I was there my beloved. I was comforting you, wrapping My arms around you, wiping away your tears and catching every single one.
Why did your loved one die so early or in such a terrible way? Why are my precious daughters (some of your moms & daughters) raped? Why do kids spend the first few years of their life, which turn out to be all the years they have, battling cancer before they die? Why are innocent people gunned down? Why do our children's blood flow down the hallway as a result of another school shooting? Why is the elderly beaten to death? Why are other elderly left in a nursing home to waste away before they die? Why all the natural disasters that kill so many & leave the survivors devastated?
I will not tell you~ because you would not understand anyway. Only know not everything that happens is 'My' plan or even what I want! Do you not know it saddens me and breaks my heart to see ANY of my children hurt, to see my children believe the enemy's lies and to hear their wails of pain? But I have given you free will my child.
My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55: 8 & 9).
Just know my dear child ALL things work together for the good (Romans 8:28) & it's My hope not to harm you, but to give you plans for a prosperous future (Jer. 29:11)! As you know, you see through a glass darkly~ Now you know things in part, but one day you will know even as also I am known (1 Cor. 13:12). Just remember my precious one, ALL the things you don't understand while you are here on earth, you will fully grasp one day up here (John 13:7).
Thank you for making time for Me. Oh how I love it so!! When you talk to Me, seek Me, worship Me, love on Me, there is a thunderous applause, a standing ovation in Heaven. When you extend the same mercy, grace, forgiveness & love to one another, as I have extended to you, the angels marvel, while I beam with pride!
I know this life can start to feel overwhelming at times, but remember. . . I made you not just to have fellowship with you & be your best friend, but I made you so I could help you (Matthew 11:28) because from the first thought of you. . . I have loved you~ deeply, unconditionally, passionately & relentlessly!
When you have faith & exercise the power I gave you when your brother Jesus came back home & left our Holy Spirit inside you. . . you WILL see whatever you ask be done when you ask in My name (John 14:13, Mark 11:23, Mark 9:23) & precious blood! There will be times I answer your prayers with a yes, a no, a later or in ways you can't even see, but all your requests are heard!
When you call on Jesus name, legions of demons flee (Deuteronomy 32:20 & James 2:19) and run from their assignment to destroy you! Their boss's most well-thought out schemes, centered around your personal weaknesses, are destroyed!! Satan is reminded of when what he thought was his best plan, killing Jesus, didn't work & that his place is under our feet!!
A lot of you are hurting, searching for peace, running yourselves ragged, trying to find happiness & joy. You won't find it through your job, through how much you own, your spouse, or someone you're dating or how much $$ you have. . . nor through status, power, respect or fame. . . no drug or love can bring you lasting joy and fulfillment~ it's only found through Me!
It doesn't matter what you've done, said or thought, come home dear child. . . come home (Luke 15: 11-32)!! We rejoice, dance, we let out shouts of joy, we clap, high-five, smile (Hebrews 12:1) ~ there is more rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous persons who do not need to repent (Luke 15:7).
As long as you inhabit your earthly shell, you can start over with Me guiding you! Let no shame, pain, guilt, feelings of not being good enough or self-condemnation hold you back or the desire to 'get it together' before you come to me son/daughter. I will turn you/make you/transform you into a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come (2 Cor. 5:17)!
I hope I've been able to explain some of my ways to you. Whenever you want to talk, I'm just a thought or spoken word away.
I love you more than you could EVER fathom!!!
You are my beloved. . . the apple of my eye. . . I send warm rays of sunshine onto your skin to let you feel the warmth of My love. . . when you hear the birds sing songs of worship to Me, it's Me whispering 'I love you!' When you see the purity of a child, their innocence & unwavering faith in a kid's eyes, it's Me reminding you I am with you! When you hear the waves rolling in, it's me demonstrating how powerful yet gentle I am.
When you feel a soft breeze, it is Me hugging you! Every day, if you just look around, you will see countless (although, I know the exact number) examples of how I am there!! Your Father just showing His love for all His dear children!
When it rains~ those are My tears. . . I am so happy. . . those are tears of joy! I am your proud Papa & with your ways I am well-pleased!! The rain also contains teardrops because I see so many of you hurting! I see wars, homelessness, murder, hunger, robbery, despair, hopelessness, lies, cheating, pain, people doing Godly acts not with a heart to please me, broken marriages, marriages where one or both stay & they shouldn't. . . I cry because my beloved creation has turned its back on me.
People often point out I hate divorce~ I hate ALL sin!
Instead of running to Me. . . to talk, to tell Me thank You, to worship Me. . . you blame Me~ still I love! I changeth not!! I am the same yesterday, today & forever!! As my love letter, that which you call the Bible, says I have collected each & every tear you cry & I have recorded each one in My book (Psalm 56:8).
All those lonely days & nights when you cried endless tears & felt like David, a man after My own heart, when he said, 'My tears have been my food both day & night (Psalm 42:3), I was there my beloved. I was comforting you, wrapping My arms around you, wiping away your tears and catching every single one.
Why did your loved one die so early or in such a terrible way? Why are my precious daughters (some of your moms & daughters) raped? Why do kids spend the first few years of their life, which turn out to be all the years they have, battling cancer before they die? Why are innocent people gunned down? Why do our children's blood flow down the hallway as a result of another school shooting? Why is the elderly beaten to death? Why are other elderly left in a nursing home to waste away before they die? Why all the natural disasters that kill so many & leave the survivors devastated?
I will not tell you~ because you would not understand anyway. Only know not everything that happens is 'My' plan or even what I want! Do you not know it saddens me and breaks my heart to see ANY of my children hurt, to see my children believe the enemy's lies and to hear their wails of pain? But I have given you free will my child.
My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55: 8 & 9).
Just know my dear child ALL things work together for the good (Romans 8:28) & it's My hope not to harm you, but to give you plans for a prosperous future (Jer. 29:11)! As you know, you see through a glass darkly~ Now you know things in part, but one day you will know even as also I am known (1 Cor. 13:12). Just remember my precious one, ALL the things you don't understand while you are here on earth, you will fully grasp one day up here (John 13:7).
Thank you for making time for Me. Oh how I love it so!! When you talk to Me, seek Me, worship Me, love on Me, there is a thunderous applause, a standing ovation in Heaven. When you extend the same mercy, grace, forgiveness & love to one another, as I have extended to you, the angels marvel, while I beam with pride!
I know this life can start to feel overwhelming at times, but remember. . . I made you not just to have fellowship with you & be your best friend, but I made you so I could help you (Matthew 11:28) because from the first thought of you. . . I have loved you~ deeply, unconditionally, passionately & relentlessly!
When you have faith & exercise the power I gave you when your brother Jesus came back home & left our Holy Spirit inside you. . . you WILL see whatever you ask be done when you ask in My name (John 14:13, Mark 11:23, Mark 9:23) & precious blood! There will be times I answer your prayers with a yes, a no, a later or in ways you can't even see, but all your requests are heard!
When you call on Jesus name, legions of demons flee (Deuteronomy 32:20 & James 2:19) and run from their assignment to destroy you! Their boss's most well-thought out schemes, centered around your personal weaknesses, are destroyed!! Satan is reminded of when what he thought was his best plan, killing Jesus, didn't work & that his place is under our feet!!
A lot of you are hurting, searching for peace, running yourselves ragged, trying to find happiness & joy. You won't find it through your job, through how much you own, your spouse, or someone you're dating or how much $$ you have. . . nor through status, power, respect or fame. . . no drug or love can bring you lasting joy and fulfillment~ it's only found through Me!
It doesn't matter what you've done, said or thought, come home dear child. . . come home (Luke 15: 11-32)!! We rejoice, dance, we let out shouts of joy, we clap, high-five, smile (Hebrews 12:1) ~ there is more rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous persons who do not need to repent (Luke 15:7).
As long as you inhabit your earthly shell, you can start over with Me guiding you! Let no shame, pain, guilt, feelings of not being good enough or self-condemnation hold you back or the desire to 'get it together' before you come to me son/daughter. I will turn you/make you/transform you into a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come (2 Cor. 5:17)!
I hope I've been able to explain some of my ways to you. Whenever you want to talk, I'm just a thought or spoken word away.
I love you more than you could EVER fathom!!!
Friday, June 17, 2011
WaitinG for ForeveR
Greenie, every romantic comedy, every sweet movie/romance/love story, I see us, but this movie~ WaitinG for Forever~ was extra touchinG to me, so I took the time to watch, rewind, watch, rewind. . . . until I got every single quote from the movie that applied to us.
Maybe it is a little 'crazy,' but that's only fitting because it's been 2 years and I am CRAZY for you! Just wanted to share these with you~ it's time for me to get back to work!
FINLE~ Yo te Amo,
Sweet Lips
I firmly believe I am waiting for FOREVER with you!
Forever is what we have had since before Day 1~ let's walk in it.
Talking. . . I don't remember us talking. I don't remember leading or following~ it was like we were inside of something bigger that took care of us, so we didn't have to worry about anything but flying high on a swing or running free.
I love her. I have always loved her. In my dreams, I breathe her in. I inhale her. I feel her in the blood of my heart.
When you follow Emma, how often do you see her? (Will's brother's wife) Will: It doesn't matter. . . it's just being around where she might be. That's plenty!
You look beautiful, but I would also say you look like you've been through the wringer.
OK, but if you won't come with me then I'm going to wrap myself around your leg & you're going to have to drag me everywhere with you for the rest of your life.
This is what I do for a living~ I show off for you!
Emma: What is happening to me? I feel like I'm going crazy. I know I said everything is fine, but everything is not fine! Why does everything have to be so hard? Why can't it just be easy? I just have to keep on pretending, pretending & pretending to keep myself from balling my eyes out forever.
Will: Maybe you have a lot to cry about.
Emma: You've been following me. Will: No, I go where you are. Emma: You've been following me! Will: No, I go where you are.
Will: I'm imagining a day where I get up and I know that I will not see you because you are far away. I will not see you. . . no chance! WILL NOT!
& Now, I'm imagining a day that I get up and I know that I MIGHT see you. . . MIGHT, could, maybe. Of those 2 days~ that's the day I want!! (smile) That's the day I choose.
Will: How could 1 step away from you ever be anything for me than a step in the wrong direction?
Dear Emma. Those two words, 'Dear Emma.' Truth is nothing. . . what you believe to be true is everythinG!!
Will: The main thinG I believe is that I will be with you forever. FOREVER! The reason why it's taken so long to write you is I have seen I have been a fool. I've spent my life fooling myself. Every letter I've ever written to you has been a love letter. How could they have been anything else?
p.S. I may add some to this~ there are a couple of more quotes, but I'm not putting them up here yet.
Maybe it is a little 'crazy,' but that's only fitting because it's been 2 years and I am CRAZY for you! Just wanted to share these with you~ it's time for me to get back to work!
FINLE~ Yo te Amo,
Sweet Lips
I firmly believe I am waiting for FOREVER with you!
Forever is what we have had since before Day 1~ let's walk in it.
Talking. . . I don't remember us talking. I don't remember leading or following~ it was like we were inside of something bigger that took care of us, so we didn't have to worry about anything but flying high on a swing or running free.
I love her. I have always loved her. In my dreams, I breathe her in. I inhale her. I feel her in the blood of my heart.
When you follow Emma, how often do you see her? (Will's brother's wife) Will: It doesn't matter. . . it's just being around where she might be. That's plenty!
You look beautiful, but I would also say you look like you've been through the wringer.
OK, but if you won't come with me then I'm going to wrap myself around your leg & you're going to have to drag me everywhere with you for the rest of your life.
This is what I do for a living~ I show off for you!
Emma: What is happening to me? I feel like I'm going crazy. I know I said everything is fine, but everything is not fine! Why does everything have to be so hard? Why can't it just be easy? I just have to keep on pretending, pretending & pretending to keep myself from balling my eyes out forever.
Will: Maybe you have a lot to cry about.
Emma: You've been following me. Will: No, I go where you are. Emma: You've been following me! Will: No, I go where you are.
Will: I'm imagining a day where I get up and I know that I will not see you because you are far away. I will not see you. . . no chance! WILL NOT!
& Now, I'm imagining a day that I get up and I know that I MIGHT see you. . . MIGHT, could, maybe. Of those 2 days~ that's the day I want!! (smile) That's the day I choose.
Will: How could 1 step away from you ever be anything for me than a step in the wrong direction?
Dear Emma. Those two words, 'Dear Emma.' Truth is nothing. . . what you believe to be true is everythinG!!
Will: The main thinG I believe is that I will be with you forever. FOREVER! The reason why it's taken so long to write you is I have seen I have been a fool. I've spent my life fooling myself. Every letter I've ever written to you has been a love letter. How could they have been anything else?
p.S. I may add some to this~ there are a couple of more quotes, but I'm not putting them up here yet.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
In the FlameS . . .
I feel very good about where my life is . . . spiritually, my relationship with my family & inner circle, my personal growth and maturity, along with where my heart is~ honestly, it's and I have never been better! The exciting thing for me is through submitting to Christ & learning how to give Him Lordship over my life. . . I am experiencing more freedom, peace, happiness & joy than I ever have! I am only 32 & I am getting pretty good at this thing called life!
The biggest area of growth & improvement is learning how to be less selfish, embracing Christ's heart of servanthood & adopting it as my own!! I, truly, long to be the arms of the Body of Christ & of Him Himself~ I want to do more with my time, my gifts, my talents, my intelligence, my money & resources.
In some ways I wish I could completely erase the past 10 years . . . similar to a rehabilitated inmate, I simply wasn't ready for the freedom that thrusts itself on me after college. The devil's arms were opened wide & he resembled a long lost friend. I ran as hard & as far as my little legs could to take me away from the Father. . . it's just a blessing I didn't do more heinous/vile/terrible things than I did. Oh, there have been PLENTY of times my actions didn't reflect someone who knew Jesus at all~ there is no doubt about that & I have done many, many things I am far from proud of!
But at least I didn't defile my body & break God's heart more than I did. . . I am grateful for that. Would Paul have ever become a bold, unapologetic believer/disciple if he never was Saul, so in some ways I believe my 'prodigal son' behavior was necessary in becoming who I've just started to be!
Another area I would like to improve in is empathy. . . it's not that I don't hurt when I see hurt in someone else's eyes or hear hurt in someone else's voice, it's just I want to hurt more! I want my reaction & genuine, heartfelt words to help them carry whatever emotional load that is threatening to cripple them or even worse crush them!! There are so many people who are hurting, lost, have floundering souls and/or lives. I want to meet people right smack dab in the middle of their pain/deep sadness, speaking words of hope, words of truth & words of life into their life, their situation and predicament!!
I know I do not have all the answers, but I am SO thankfuL I can point them to the ONE who is Not just the way-maker. . . He is the way. . . Not just the truth-teller. . . He is the truth. . . Not just the restorer of our lives. . .He is restoration. . . Not just the intimate lover of our souls. . . He is LOVE!!
No I do not have a wife. . . Not married and have not realized one of the biggest dreams of my life~ that of being a father/Dad and I am 32, feeling like life is slowly slipping through my fingers, but I know just like Elijah was prepared at Cherith. . . I am being prepared and until I am ready, and even more so when He wants these desires to come to fruition & these dreams to be realized, trying to make them happen is laboring in vain!
Another area He has revealed to me I need to improve in my pathway to ultimate peace, joy contentment & gain greater discipline in is controlling my emotions. Too often I am a ship too easily tossed about the waves when I have not the bestower of peace, but He who IS PEACE! I react instead of doing what He has implored me to do~ just BE STILL!!
I have the victory! I have the resurrection power inside me! I have, not only the ability but, the innate tendancy to OVERCOME anything the devil or this sometimes cruel life can throw at me!! I MUST walk in it!
I have been put through the flames. . . not to be consumed by them, but to be refined~ may my flesh be burned up, incinerated until ALL that remains is Christ! I want to be surrounded/engulfed in flames 'til NONE of ME remains! As a believer, I can expect to be 'under the knife' . . . until the work He started in me is completed (Phil. 1:6) I will be on the table. In fact, even if it's uncomfortable, HURTS & is extremely painful, I want it!! As the deer paneth for the water, so my souL/my spirit-man desires that!
See, we may be under the scalpel, but our Surgeon has the same hands that not only hung the stars, but knows them by name! The same hands that carved the mountains, filled the streams, rivers, lakes & oceans!! The very same hands that placed the sun/the moon, in the sky, is performing my surgery! If that isn't exciting/amazing news. . . NOTHING is!
Those nail-pierced hands are taking out of me sin, lust, junk, selfishness, pride, hurt, envy, feelings of inadequacy, poison & death and is replacing it with humility & the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control! AMAZING!!
Just like Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego. . . We have the fourth 'Man' in the furnace, so we can be rest-assured ANY flames allowed in our lives are not meant to destroy us. . . but to test our faith & refine us! It is never a comfortable thing to be in the flames, but as sure as oxygen is needed to breathe~ it is necessary! Not only are we refined, but it's in the furnace where we develop a deep dependency on Jesus. . . it's in the flames God shows us He not only can handle, but WILL handle whatever is going on in our lives. . . it's in the flames, we discover our strength is NOT enough. . . That the devil and the storms this life can throw our way are too much to withstand on our own sufficiency!
But for the blood! God, the King of Kings & Lord of Lords, fights for us & works endlessly & tirelessly on our behalf. . . especially in the flames! In the flames our waves of doubt are washed away & THE Maker proves Himself to us as omnipotent, omniscient, ALL-capable, lacking NO wisdom, as He is wisdom. . . without Him, wisdom would be foolishness! Yes, in the flames. . . it's where we say jump & God who loves us so much that He, who is awesome, proves to us how HIGH He can jump even though He isn't obligated to. . . remember, He is the Potter we are clay pots!
Our doubt turns into the Lord's own personal trophy room of faithfulness! So, bring on the flames. . . He allows us to doubt, because He knows our faith WILL be strengthened. . . in the flames!
On our spiritual peaks, we easily are filled with gratitude. . . but without the valleys, we would never fully grasp the sweetness of being on top of the mountain! A peak is a hug from God's mighty, love, inpenetratable arms, but the flames. . . they are the sweetest kiss we will ever know~ a sweet, soft, loving, passionate, tender kiss from the lips of God!!!
The biggest area of growth & improvement is learning how to be less selfish, embracing Christ's heart of servanthood & adopting it as my own!! I, truly, long to be the arms of the Body of Christ & of Him Himself~ I want to do more with my time, my gifts, my talents, my intelligence, my money & resources.
In some ways I wish I could completely erase the past 10 years . . . similar to a rehabilitated inmate, I simply wasn't ready for the freedom that thrusts itself on me after college. The devil's arms were opened wide & he resembled a long lost friend. I ran as hard & as far as my little legs could to take me away from the Father. . . it's just a blessing I didn't do more heinous/vile/terrible things than I did. Oh, there have been PLENTY of times my actions didn't reflect someone who knew Jesus at all~ there is no doubt about that & I have done many, many things I am far from proud of!
But at least I didn't defile my body & break God's heart more than I did. . . I am grateful for that. Would Paul have ever become a bold, unapologetic believer/disciple if he never was Saul, so in some ways I believe my 'prodigal son' behavior was necessary in becoming who I've just started to be!
Another area I would like to improve in is empathy. . . it's not that I don't hurt when I see hurt in someone else's eyes or hear hurt in someone else's voice, it's just I want to hurt more! I want my reaction & genuine, heartfelt words to help them carry whatever emotional load that is threatening to cripple them or even worse crush them!! There are so many people who are hurting, lost, have floundering souls and/or lives. I want to meet people right smack dab in the middle of their pain/deep sadness, speaking words of hope, words of truth & words of life into their life, their situation and predicament!!
I know I do not have all the answers, but I am SO thankfuL I can point them to the ONE who is Not just the way-maker. . . He is the way. . . Not just the truth-teller. . . He is the truth. . . Not just the restorer of our lives. . .He is restoration. . . Not just the intimate lover of our souls. . . He is LOVE!!
No I do not have a wife. . . Not married and have not realized one of the biggest dreams of my life~ that of being a father/Dad and I am 32, feeling like life is slowly slipping through my fingers, but I know just like Elijah was prepared at Cherith. . . I am being prepared and until I am ready, and even more so when He wants these desires to come to fruition & these dreams to be realized, trying to make them happen is laboring in vain!
Another area He has revealed to me I need to improve in my pathway to ultimate peace, joy contentment & gain greater discipline in is controlling my emotions. Too often I am a ship too easily tossed about the waves when I have not the bestower of peace, but He who IS PEACE! I react instead of doing what He has implored me to do~ just BE STILL!!
I have the victory! I have the resurrection power inside me! I have, not only the ability but, the innate tendancy to OVERCOME anything the devil or this sometimes cruel life can throw at me!! I MUST walk in it!
I have been put through the flames. . . not to be consumed by them, but to be refined~ may my flesh be burned up, incinerated until ALL that remains is Christ! I want to be surrounded/engulfed in flames 'til NONE of ME remains! As a believer, I can expect to be 'under the knife' . . . until the work He started in me is completed (Phil. 1:6) I will be on the table. In fact, even if it's uncomfortable, HURTS & is extremely painful, I want it!! As the deer paneth for the water, so my souL/my spirit-man desires that!
See, we may be under the scalpel, but our Surgeon has the same hands that not only hung the stars, but knows them by name! The same hands that carved the mountains, filled the streams, rivers, lakes & oceans!! The very same hands that placed the sun/the moon, in the sky, is performing my surgery! If that isn't exciting/amazing news. . . NOTHING is!
Those nail-pierced hands are taking out of me sin, lust, junk, selfishness, pride, hurt, envy, feelings of inadequacy, poison & death and is replacing it with humility & the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control! AMAZING!!
Just like Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego. . . We have the fourth 'Man' in the furnace, so we can be rest-assured ANY flames allowed in our lives are not meant to destroy us. . . but to test our faith & refine us! It is never a comfortable thing to be in the flames, but as sure as oxygen is needed to breathe~ it is necessary! Not only are we refined, but it's in the furnace where we develop a deep dependency on Jesus. . . it's in the flames God shows us He not only can handle, but WILL handle whatever is going on in our lives. . . it's in the flames, we discover our strength is NOT enough. . . That the devil and the storms this life can throw our way are too much to withstand on our own sufficiency!
But for the blood! God, the King of Kings & Lord of Lords, fights for us & works endlessly & tirelessly on our behalf. . . especially in the flames! In the flames our waves of doubt are washed away & THE Maker proves Himself to us as omnipotent, omniscient, ALL-capable, lacking NO wisdom, as He is wisdom. . . without Him, wisdom would be foolishness! Yes, in the flames. . . it's where we say jump & God who loves us so much that He, who is awesome, proves to us how HIGH He can jump even though He isn't obligated to. . . remember, He is the Potter we are clay pots!
Our doubt turns into the Lord's own personal trophy room of faithfulness! So, bring on the flames. . . He allows us to doubt, because He knows our faith WILL be strengthened. . . in the flames!
On our spiritual peaks, we easily are filled with gratitude. . . but without the valleys, we would never fully grasp the sweetness of being on top of the mountain! A peak is a hug from God's mighty, love, inpenetratable arms, but the flames. . . they are the sweetest kiss we will ever know~ a sweet, soft, loving, passionate, tender kiss from the lips of God!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
It's easy to get caught up in the mythical and unique names for our Lord & Savior. Yeshua (The actual name of Jesus), Emmanuel, Jehovah, Jehovah-Tsidkenu (The Lord of our righteousness), Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord is my Banner), Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord who provides), Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord of peace) and Jehovah-Rapha (The Lord who heals).
While each of these names brings an adundance of hope, truth and speaks an endless amount of life into your life . . . the one God laid on my heart to write about is El Shaddai.
The All-Sufficient One/The God who is more than enough! My Pastor, Mike Devine, referred to the Lord as 'enough breasts!'
He is more than enough breasts~ the purpose of breasts in the child rearing process is for a Mother to provide, nurture and grow her son or daughter with milk through breast-feeding.
That is who God promises He will be if we will humble ourselves, seek His face and ALLOW Him to be in our lives!!
You may need a job after being unemployed for a long period of time . . . 6 months, 9 months, a year or even 2 years~ guess what? HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
Maybe you're having a tough time with your children. No matter how much you try to get through to them and lead them down the right path because you care about them so much and love them so, they rebel and figuratively-speaking you are at the end of your rope. . HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
You could feel wronged by someone by someone and so much time has passed between the two of y'all, you don't even know where to start to bury the hatchet . . . so much bitterness, so much anger, so much resentment and time hasn't made it any better~ it's actually/unfortunately made it worse. HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
Your bills are biling up and you don't have the money to cover them . . . God will make a way~ eliminate what you can from your bills (what's not an absolutely necessity, cut it out) reach out to the Lord in prayer & maybe a local church. I don't know how He does it . . . You don't have to turn to the devil's 'fast money.' It's just NOT worth it! HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
Or you've been praying about something~ it could be a loved one who is lost or for you to receive a yes when you've only received an 'It's not time, 'no' or 'later.' It could even be you praying for you to be with that one man or woman you want to be with- the one you care about so much you put his/her well-being in front of your own. HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
Does that mean He will answer yes? Sometimes . . . but what it means more so than Him answering 'yes' or 'coming through for you in your situation' is even if the answer is the dreaded no or a sweet, but nonethless firm 'My child, it's just not time yet,' ~ HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
So matter what you may be going through in your life~ no matter how much pain you are in, no matter how hopeless you feel, no matter the lies the devil tells you, the discouragement he tries to bring into your life & no matter how much you feel things are going to stay the same... be bold enough to believe in that which you can not see (faith) & He WILL come through for you! I encourage you to know HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!! To Him who is able to do exceedingly more than what we can even ask, dare to dream or imagine . . . EphesianS 3:20
May 25, 2011
While each of these names brings an adundance of hope, truth and speaks an endless amount of life into your life . . . the one God laid on my heart to write about is El Shaddai.
The All-Sufficient One/The God who is more than enough! My Pastor, Mike Devine, referred to the Lord as 'enough breasts!'
He is more than enough breasts~ the purpose of breasts in the child rearing process is for a Mother to provide, nurture and grow her son or daughter with milk through breast-feeding.
That is who God promises He will be if we will humble ourselves, seek His face and ALLOW Him to be in our lives!!
You may need a job after being unemployed for a long period of time . . . 6 months, 9 months, a year or even 2 years~ guess what? HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
Maybe you're having a tough time with your children. No matter how much you try to get through to them and lead them down the right path because you care about them so much and love them so, they rebel and figuratively-speaking you are at the end of your rope. . HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
You could feel wronged by someone by someone and so much time has passed between the two of y'all, you don't even know where to start to bury the hatchet . . . so much bitterness, so much anger, so much resentment and time hasn't made it any better~ it's actually/unfortunately made it worse. HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
Your bills are biling up and you don't have the money to cover them . . . God will make a way~ eliminate what you can from your bills (what's not an absolutely necessity, cut it out) reach out to the Lord in prayer & maybe a local church. I don't know how He does it . . . You don't have to turn to the devil's 'fast money.' It's just NOT worth it! HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
Or you've been praying about something~ it could be a loved one who is lost or for you to receive a yes when you've only received an 'It's not time, 'no' or 'later.' It could even be you praying for you to be with that one man or woman you want to be with- the one you care about so much you put his/her well-being in front of your own. HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
Does that mean He will answer yes? Sometimes . . . but what it means more so than Him answering 'yes' or 'coming through for you in your situation' is even if the answer is the dreaded no or a sweet, but nonethless firm 'My child, it's just not time yet,' ~ HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!
So matter what you may be going through in your life~ no matter how much pain you are in, no matter how hopeless you feel, no matter the lies the devil tells you, the discouragement he tries to bring into your life & no matter how much you feel things are going to stay the same... be bold enough to believe in that which you can not see (faith) & He WILL come through for you! I encourage you to know HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!! To Him who is able to do exceedingly more than what we can even ask, dare to dream or imagine . . . EphesianS 3:20
May 25, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Oh How She Soars!
A modern day saint~ a city on the hill, a vessel of salt and light
Each smile so warm & genuine~ being around her is a delight
She may be confined to a wheelchair, but her worship is so pure
Are you having a good day Ms. Corrie? With that twinkle in her eye, she'll say, 'sure'
Another day I get to walk with Jesus, my Savior, so how could it be bad?
Yet many of us, who can walk, complain about so much less. . . it really is quite sad
I believe on the other side, she'll teach the angels how to enter into prayer
You may see a little old woman, but you will see beauty if you just pull back a layer
Oh how she soars like a little birdie fluttering through the sky
She's too busy being grateful, she makes no time to ask why!
An eagle through the sky she soars, she embodies Isaiah 40:31
Asking our Father, will you do, not my will, but your will be done?
Oh how she soars like a passenger with a one-way ticket to Heaven on a plane
Where there will be no more death, no more mourning, no more suffering or pain (Rev. 21:4)
She may be sitting down all the time, but jsut marvel at how she continues to soar
An example of selflessness~ only greedy when asking the Lord to reveal Himself more
Oh how she soars, enjoying life's journey as she goes through it with a smile on her face
While trials may come, perseverance worketh patience & she's a happy recipient of grace
We must stand firm in our faith, like David did even when the lions roared
When you've journeyed on before me to Heaven, & I'm having trouble flying, I will keep going for I will remember how you soared!
John Mark Brooks
Copyright April 30, 2011
Each smile so warm & genuine~ being around her is a delight
She may be confined to a wheelchair, but her worship is so pure
Are you having a good day Ms. Corrie? With that twinkle in her eye, she'll say, 'sure'
Another day I get to walk with Jesus, my Savior, so how could it be bad?
Yet many of us, who can walk, complain about so much less. . . it really is quite sad
I believe on the other side, she'll teach the angels how to enter into prayer
You may see a little old woman, but you will see beauty if you just pull back a layer
Oh how she soars like a little birdie fluttering through the sky
She's too busy being grateful, she makes no time to ask why!
An eagle through the sky she soars, she embodies Isaiah 40:31
Asking our Father, will you do, not my will, but your will be done?
Oh how she soars like a passenger with a one-way ticket to Heaven on a plane
Where there will be no more death, no more mourning, no more suffering or pain (Rev. 21:4)
She may be sitting down all the time, but jsut marvel at how she continues to soar
An example of selflessness~ only greedy when asking the Lord to reveal Himself more
Oh how she soars, enjoying life's journey as she goes through it with a smile on her face
While trials may come, perseverance worketh patience & she's a happy recipient of grace
We must stand firm in our faith, like David did even when the lions roared
When you've journeyed on before me to Heaven, & I'm having trouble flying, I will keep going for I will remember how you soared!
John Mark Brooks
Copyright April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Sometimes you have to laugh just to keep from crying
Sometimes you have to live just to keep from dying
Sometimes you have to remind yourself just how blessed you are
Sometines you have to make a wish at 11:11 or on that one bright star
Sometimes you have to have faith everything will work out in your favor
Sometimes you have to stop & smell the roses~ take the time to savor
Sometimes I smile when inside I'm barely makin it
I have so much to be grateful for~ it doesn't mean I'm fakin it
Sometimes you have to stop & listen to the birds sing a little song
Little moments like that can make a day all right when it seemed so wrong
Sometimes you sit & listen to God as He speaks to you through the wind
Let your problems just blow away as you search for ways you can transcend
Sometimes you have to taste some blood instead of saying words you don't mean
Sometimes it's better to choose silence instead of uttering words that are obscene
Sometimes you have to stop by the cemetary to talk to your loved one & feel close
A lot of times the ones most overlooked are the times that mean the most!
You're not meant to remember that's what makes 'in the moment' so special & true
Sometimes I feel like I have this life all figured out~ I have to admit those times are few!
Sometimes you have to question people's motives and their reason
Sometimes you have to learn how to let go & realize it was just a season
Sometimes even though your circle is full, you have to let someone new in
If real recognize real, like I believe, then there is no need to pretend
Sometimes the only way to approach change is to learn how to embrace it
Like the only way to come at fear is to stand firm & just face it!
Apr. 21, 2011
Sometimes you have to live just to keep from dying
Sometimes you have to remind yourself just how blessed you are
Sometines you have to make a wish at 11:11 or on that one bright star
Sometimes you have to have faith everything will work out in your favor
Sometimes you have to stop & smell the roses~ take the time to savor
Sometimes I smile when inside I'm barely makin it
I have so much to be grateful for~ it doesn't mean I'm fakin it
Sometimes you have to stop & listen to the birds sing a little song
Little moments like that can make a day all right when it seemed so wrong
Sometimes you sit & listen to God as He speaks to you through the wind
Let your problems just blow away as you search for ways you can transcend
Sometimes you have to taste some blood instead of saying words you don't mean
Sometimes it's better to choose silence instead of uttering words that are obscene
Sometimes you have to stop by the cemetary to talk to your loved one & feel close
A lot of times the ones most overlooked are the times that mean the most!
You're not meant to remember that's what makes 'in the moment' so special & true
Sometimes I feel like I have this life all figured out~ I have to admit those times are few!
Sometimes you have to question people's motives and their reason
Sometimes you have to learn how to let go & realize it was just a season
Sometimes even though your circle is full, you have to let someone new in
If real recognize real, like I believe, then there is no need to pretend
Sometimes the only way to approach change is to learn how to embrace it
Like the only way to come at fear is to stand firm & just face it!
Apr. 21, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
I am 32 ~ One Year short of my big brother Jesus
God has seen me do vile, heinous & despicable things . . . ran from Him, cursed Him and spat in His face. He has seen me at my worst & my ugliest & still He loves me and allows me to call Him my best friend, my Father, my very own!!
He not only comes to my defense, but He stands upon the mountain & PROUDLY proclaims, 'This is my precious & beloved son,' with whom I am well-pleased! THAT IS LOVE!!!
He not only saw all the times I fell short, missed the mark or out-right denied Him, but He also saw ALL the times I will fall short, miss the mark & will say to whomever is asking, 'I do not know this man you speak of Jesus~ this Jesus' ...
Knowing ALL this, He still took on the human form~ the King of Kings & Lord of Lords put on a human-shell through my big brother Jesus & died for me, reconciling me to Him... you to Him!
You can call me FAKE, a hypocrite & tell me how unworthy I am and you would be dead-on accurate & correct AT TIMES~ I am a man . . . I do forget who I am in the Lord as a joint-heir of the Kingdom!! I so quickly don't remember how much He loves me and the AMAZING callinG on my life!
Did you know we are ALL invited to the King's (God's) banquet & did you know, even though we are an esteemed guest seated right beside Him, when it comes time to partake of the feast~ we are out behind behind the Mansion/Castle digging & rummaging through the garbage. . . content on scraps?
And STILL He loves me. . . still He loves you! He exchanges the filthy rags your clothes have become for vibrant/radiant, glowing in all the fullness & completeness of the glory of God, ones!!
He not only invites you into the feast, once more, but He gives you a heroic introduction for your entrance!!!
He stands up for you, He defends you more vigorously than ANY defense attorney, He goes to bat just for you, He rescues you more times than a life-preserver, He believes in you with more faith than 10 billion men!
Yes, the opposite sex can bring pleasure, so can alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, respect & fame~ all of it WILL bring you pleasure, but as sure as I am sitting here writing this... it will be as fleetinG as the wind... the ONLY thinG that NEVER fails & will fail you not no matter what struggle, adversity, hard time, depression or season of despondancy is JESUS and He & the Father's AWESOME love for you!!!
It is my sincere prayer for my actions, words & my very life to make Him proud more times than they break His <3 and make Him sad~ after all, why do you think it rains SO much? Those are our Father's tears!
It doesn't matter if your earthly Father has failed you, if he is missing in action or just up & left your Mom, if he gives you a guilt-trip about why you don't talk to him more or come see him or worse yet if he is still around & tells you you will never amount to anything & he's sorry he had you in the first place... you have a TRUE Father, who will NEVER fail you, never leave you or forsake you~ will ALWAYS be there for you though great times & through terrible times :o)
I am 32 today~ one short of how long my big brother Jesus lived. So, right now, I ask my big bro to help me become more of a willing vessel~ more disciplined~ more obedient~ more selfless, walking in humility, authenticity & sincerity, ever-ready & happy to extend the same mercy, grace, forgiveness & love He has given me to everyone I come into contact with~ my family, friends and perfect strangers.
YES we are UNWORTHY & YES that is what qualifies you to become part of the body of Christ~ welcome to the family!!
& thank you again for all the birthday wishes,
Sincerely, John Mark (The fornicator, the fake, the hypocrite)
To see my sin & not see my <3 is like looking at the ocean & not seeing the water!
He not only comes to my defense, but He stands upon the mountain & PROUDLY proclaims, 'This is my precious & beloved son,' with whom I am well-pleased! THAT IS LOVE!!!
He not only saw all the times I fell short, missed the mark or out-right denied Him, but He also saw ALL the times I will fall short, miss the mark & will say to whomever is asking, 'I do not know this man you speak of Jesus~ this Jesus' ...
Knowing ALL this, He still took on the human form~ the King of Kings & Lord of Lords put on a human-shell through my big brother Jesus & died for me, reconciling me to Him... you to Him!
You can call me FAKE, a hypocrite & tell me how unworthy I am and you would be dead-on accurate & correct AT TIMES~ I am a man . . . I do forget who I am in the Lord as a joint-heir of the Kingdom!! I so quickly don't remember how much He loves me and the AMAZING callinG on my life!
Did you know we are ALL invited to the King's (God's) banquet & did you know, even though we are an esteemed guest seated right beside Him, when it comes time to partake of the feast~ we are out behind behind the Mansion/Castle digging & rummaging through the garbage. . . content on scraps?
And STILL He loves me. . . still He loves you! He exchanges the filthy rags your clothes have become for vibrant/radiant, glowing in all the fullness & completeness of the glory of God, ones!!
He not only invites you into the feast, once more, but He gives you a heroic introduction for your entrance!!!
He stands up for you, He defends you more vigorously than ANY defense attorney, He goes to bat just for you, He rescues you more times than a life-preserver, He believes in you with more faith than 10 billion men!
Yes, the opposite sex can bring pleasure, so can alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, respect & fame~ all of it WILL bring you pleasure, but as sure as I am sitting here writing this... it will be as fleetinG as the wind... the ONLY thinG that NEVER fails & will fail you not no matter what struggle, adversity, hard time, depression or season of despondancy is JESUS and He & the Father's AWESOME love for you!!!
It is my sincere prayer for my actions, words & my very life to make Him proud more times than they break His <3 and make Him sad~ after all, why do you think it rains SO much? Those are our Father's tears!
It doesn't matter if your earthly Father has failed you, if he is missing in action or just up & left your Mom, if he gives you a guilt-trip about why you don't talk to him more or come see him or worse yet if he is still around & tells you you will never amount to anything & he's sorry he had you in the first place... you have a TRUE Father, who will NEVER fail you, never leave you or forsake you~ will ALWAYS be there for you though great times & through terrible times :o)
I am 32 today~ one short of how long my big brother Jesus lived. So, right now, I ask my big bro to help me become more of a willing vessel~ more disciplined~ more obedient~ more selfless, walking in humility, authenticity & sincerity, ever-ready & happy to extend the same mercy, grace, forgiveness & love He has given me to everyone I come into contact with~ my family, friends and perfect strangers.
YES we are UNWORTHY & YES that is what qualifies you to become part of the body of Christ~ welcome to the family!!
& thank you again for all the birthday wishes,
Sincerely, John Mark (The fornicator, the fake, the hypocrite)
To see my sin & not see my <3 is like looking at the ocean & not seeing the water!
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