Monday, June 27, 2011

A Letter from God

I love you my child~ that's what I want you to know! You can go every single day for the rest of your life not keeping my commandments & I wouldn't love you any less! Or you can go every single day for the rest of your life doing My work & I wouldn't love you any more!

You are my beloved. . . the apple of my eye. . . I send warm rays of sunshine onto your skin to let you feel the warmth of My love. . . when you hear the birds sing songs of worship to Me, it's Me whispering 'I love you!' When you see the purity of a child, their innocence & unwavering faith in a kid's eyes, it's Me reminding you I am with you! When you hear the waves rolling in, it's me demonstrating how powerful yet gentle I am.

When you feel a soft breeze, it is Me hugging you! Every day, if you just look around, you will see countless (although, I know the exact number) examples of how I am there!! Your Father just showing His love for all His dear children!

When it rains~ those are My tears. . . I am so happy. . . those are tears of joy! I am your proud Papa & with your ways I am well-pleased!! The rain also contains teardrops because I see so many of you hurting! I see wars, homelessness, murder, hunger, robbery, despair, hopelessness, lies, cheating, pain, people doing Godly acts not with a heart to please me, broken marriages, marriages where one or both stay & they shouldn't. . . I cry because my beloved creation has turned its back on me.

People often point out I hate divorce~ I hate ALL sin!

Instead of running to Me. . . to talk, to tell Me thank You, to worship Me. . . you blame Me~ still I love! I changeth not!! I am the same yesterday, today & forever!! As my love letter, that which you call the Bible, says I have collected each & every tear you cry & I have recorded each one in My book (Psalm 56:8).

All those lonely days & nights when you cried endless tears & felt like David, a man after My own heart, when he said, 'My tears have been my food both day & night (Psalm 42:3), I was there my beloved. I was comforting you, wrapping My arms around you, wiping away your tears and catching every single one.

Why did your loved one die so early or in such a terrible way? Why are my precious daughters (some of your moms & daughters) raped? Why do kids spend the first few years of their life, which turn out to be all the years they have, battling cancer before they die? Why are innocent people gunned down? Why do our children's blood flow down the hallway as a result of another school shooting? Why is the elderly beaten to death? Why are other elderly left in a nursing home to waste away before they die? Why all the natural disasters that kill so many & leave the survivors devastated?

I will not tell you~ because you would not understand anyway. Only know not everything that happens is 'My' plan or even what I want! Do you not know it saddens me and breaks my heart to see ANY of my children hurt, to see my children believe the enemy's lies and to hear their wails of pain? But I have given you free will my child.

My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55: 8 & 9).

Just know my dear child ALL things work together for the good (Romans 8:28) & it's My hope not to harm you, but to give you plans for a prosperous future (Jer. 29:11)! As you know, you see through a glass darkly~ Now you know things in part, but one day you will know even as also I am known (1 Cor. 13:12). Just remember my precious one, ALL the things you don't understand while you are here on earth, you will fully grasp one day up here (John 13:7).

Thank you for making time for Me. Oh how I love it so!! When you talk to Me, seek Me, worship Me, love on Me, there is a thunderous applause, a standing ovation in Heaven. When you extend the same mercy, grace, forgiveness & love to one another, as I have extended to you, the angels marvel, while I beam with pride!

I know this life can start to feel overwhelming at times, but remember. . . I made you not just to have fellowship with you & be your best friend, but I made you so I could help you (Matthew 11:28) because from the first thought of you. . . I have loved you~ deeply, unconditionally, passionately & relentlessly!

When you have faith & exercise the power I gave you when your brother Jesus came back home & left our Holy Spirit inside you. . . you WILL see whatever you ask be done when you ask in My name (John 14:13, Mark 11:23, Mark 9:23) & precious blood! There will be times I answer your prayers with a yes, a no, a later or in ways you can't even see, but all your requests are heard!

When you call on Jesus name, legions of demons flee (Deuteronomy 32:20 & James 2:19) and run from their assignment to destroy you! Their boss's most well-thought out schemes, centered around your personal weaknesses, are destroyed!! Satan is reminded of when what he thought was his best plan, killing Jesus, didn't work & that his place is under our feet!!

A lot of you are hurting, searching for peace, running yourselves ragged, trying to find happiness & joy. You won't find it through your job, through how much you own, your spouse, or someone you're dating or how much $$ you have. . . nor through status, power, respect or fame. . . no drug or love can bring you lasting joy and fulfillment~ it's only found through Me!

It doesn't matter what you've done, said or thought, come home dear child. . . come home (Luke 15: 11-32)!! We rejoice, dance, we let out shouts of joy, we clap, high-five, smile (Hebrews 12:1) ~ there is more rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous persons who do not need to repent (Luke 15:7).

As long as you inhabit your earthly shell, you can start over with Me guiding you! Let no shame, pain, guilt, feelings of not being good enough or self-condemnation hold you back or the desire to 'get it together' before you come to me son/daughter. I will turn you/make you/transform you into a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come (2 Cor. 5:17)!

I hope I've been able to explain some of my ways to you. Whenever you want to talk, I'm just a thought or spoken word away.

I love you more than you could EVER fathom!!!

1 comment:

  1. John Mark--
    It is obvious you have been listening to Him. Your words are His words...
    I am joyful beyond measure with your spiritual growth and willingness to love others. Now, fight the good fight and finish the course.
    May the peace of God be upon you...His blessings so bountiful that your storehouse will be filled to overflowing.


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