Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let Me Help

It's amazing what God will teach you if you're just willing to listen with your spiritual ears and use your spiritual eyes.

There she was~ blonde hair, big blue eyes, adorable, sweet, and extremely smart. . . yet as stubborn and rambunctious as you would expect a two-year-old to be.

My little niece, Karson Faith, was determined to cut her cornbread by herself. Sure she needed help and she knew she did, but that didn't dampen her enthusiasm, determination and sheer stubbornness of doing it herself!

Only one problem~ her knife was upside down. The moment was 'harmless' as we smiled, tried to help her and laugh all at the same time, which made it even funnier.

In the midst of laughter and family fellowship, God spoke, 'That's what you do.' Then it hit me. He was RIGHT . . . imagine that! *laughs* The Creator of the Universe, the Omniscient One, who is wisdom and the source of wisdom not just the One with infinite wisdom being correct.

We try to do it on our own when our patient, though desperately wanting to help, Heavenly Father stands by and offers His assistance.

Don't believe me? Read Matthew 11:30 'For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.'

In the same way, we attempted to help my niece, God tries to help us . . . not just when life becomes too tough, but BEFORE it gets that way in the first place! How profound is that?

Sure, we have the perogative to do things by ourselves, to saddle our burdens and somehow try not to fall off the horse we call life, but why would we when God, the very One who filled up the oceans, lakes, streams, rivers, placed the sun, colored the trees like a coloring book and not only hung galaxies of stars, but knows them all by name, wants to help us?

It seems foolish to me not to let him. This life, through all it's many ebbs and flows, the good, the bad and the ugly, with more ups and downs than the stock market, is too hard to do it alone. Isn't that kind of like an ant trying to carry a picnic basket?

How'd the story end? Eventually, she realized she didn't have to do it by herself and handed over the knife.

Why don't we do the same?

So the next time we witness an 'everyday' ho hum moment, keep your eyes and ears open. Remain vigilant. God may just be trying to teach you something.

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