Wednesday, December 12, 2012
What is Worship?
I stood with arms raised high above my head, eyes closed, a smile on my face as the music escorted me in. I just came to say thank You Lord for all you have given to me: Salvation, my life, my health, my family, my friends, food, a house, clothes, water and so much more. I rode the emotional high as I walked to my car after service when it hit me like a tsunami.
What is worship!?!
Reverence offered to a divine being and the act of expressing that reverence. I agree as I believe one worships out of reverence and love, but to me worship can be summed up in one word--GRATITUDE!
Not to sound corny, but the very fact you're able to read these words should be enough for you to be thankful and even if you have to have these words read to you because you're blind; you're still alive, so rejoice! Think of the billions of people who aren't able to say that, whose earthly journeys have had the curtain pulled on them.
On the Peak
Is it not easy to be grateful and to thank God when you've reached the summit-- the very pinnacle? When the birds are chirping, the sun is out and a harp is being played in the background; it almost comes naturally to express your thanks.
This is reflected through a smile on our faces, going out of our way to help make someone happy through gestures big and small and a certain pep in our steps. The world has more color, the days go faster and it seems as though we don't have a care in the world . . . happy-go-lucky and hunky-dory!
There is something about being on the mountain top that compells us to take a moment to reflect. Think about award shows. How often do rappers, for instance, whose music reflects values on the complete opposite end of the spectrum get up and thank God? I do not doubt their sincerity. My point is when you have success, when you have achieved, when you have reached your goal; even for people who aren't gracious in their daily lives, it's easy for them to take a minute to pause and a take a moment to say thank you.
When all is right and the seas are calm in our lives, I believe it still pleases God for us to worship. . . even if it is easy in prosperous times and contentment. I feel us acknowledging His provision, protection and purpose in and for our lives makes Him happy. Us spending time with Him-- the music, could be in person, on our radios, iPods, computers, CD player, cassette deck or record players, ushers us into the very throneroom of God to spend intimate time with our Maker thus creating a pleasing aroma to His nose.
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name!" Psalm 100:4.
"Exalt the Lord our God; worship at His footstool! Holy is He!" Psalm 99:5
and Psalm 150, "Praise the Lord! Praise Him in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty heavens! Praise Him for His mighty deeds (His blessings/what He has done); Praise Him for His excellent greatness (worship Him simply for WHO HE IS) . . . Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
In the Valley
In the valley is it as easy to praise the Lord? When you're sad . . when you're mad . . when you're frustrated . . when you can't see how He is possibly working things out for your good (Romans 8:28, Jer. 29:11). Is it easy? No! There are times, when I take my eyes off Him, and start looking at the storms of life: dreams unrealized, my own 'failures,' adversity I am facing, the unfairness of this life and sin I'm trying to overcome through Him, when the last thing I want to do is tell Him thank You! That's just me being real . . . being honest.
That is when it is a MUST for us to worship Him! I believe, when we worship Him in the hallway before He opens the door . . . when we praise Him in the storm . . . when we praise Him despite our circumstances, nothing pleases Him more. I believe there is no aroma to His nose more pleasing than us showing gratitude, expressing our love and proving our trust than to worship Him anyway, taking our eyes off the bad and putting them on Him. Not asking Him, 'Why are You doing this to me or allowing this to happen,?' but through the lens of love. When we do that, gazing upon His magnificence with our hearts, we will WANT to worship . . . we will feel compelled to!
If we can overcome our doubts, fears, guilt and hurt (feelings and thoughts) and worship (the action) our feelings will fall in line. The hard part is not letting our feelings, in the vitally important battlefield of the mind, derail the action of worshiping and our trust altogether. This is something, while I'm getting better in this area, I struggle with.
But if you have the Chicken Little, 'The sky is falling,' mentality then guess what? The sky will continue to fall! That's what the devil wants.
"Shall we accept good from God and not bad?" Job 2:10
"But I will sing of Your strength; I will sing aloud of Your steadfast love in the morning. For You have been to me a Fortress and a Refuge in the day of my distress." Psalm 59:16.
Wait! That's Worship?!?
Worship is ALL of it-- it's in your T.O.E.S. TRUST when you don't feel like trusting, don't understand what's going on and don't see how it could possibly benefit you, but you still do, OBEDIENCE in doing what God tells you to do (Genesis 12:4), EVICTIONS in terms of what you allow God to throw out of your life (sin, hurt, unforgiveness, anger, habits, addictions) and STEWARDSHIP of the gifts and talents you've been given.
Obeying the Golden Rule, simply being good to people, to-- those who are undeserving, who can offer you nothing in return and to those close to you-- everyone is worship. How we spend our days we're given is worship. What we do with our gifts and talents and who we give the glory to, do we give the glory to God or keep it for ourselves, is worship. When the satisfaction of pleasing the Lord outweighs the desire to please ourselves-- that is worship! Any time we choose selflessnesss over selfishness, humility over pride-- that, too, is worship. Walking in gratitude day in and day out is worship . . . when it spills out of us with every step we take.
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is spiritual worship. Do not be comformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, but by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:1-2.
So I have one question-- How will YOU worship today?
*Please check out Casting Crowns' song Let My Lifesong Sing to You and Heart of Worship by Michael W. Smith. The words of these songs sum up, in Spirit-breathed wisdom, the essence of worship.
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