Monday, July 29, 2013
Changing Your Tapestry
Moments . . . moments what life is comprised of. Each one like a single thread-- some beautiful, some ugly and others don't seem to fit the pattern, but the amazing thing is God weaves the most beautiful tapestry imaginable . . . no matter how many ugly threads we give Him once we let Him!The Weaver can ALWAYS make something beautiful out of them!
I truly believe the reason why a work of art is called a masterpiece is because it is a Master's piece . . the moment in time where the artist took the talent God (Master) gave them and created something awe-inspiring. That's what ALL of our lives can become if we surrender our gifts, talents and lives to the Him.
Some threads (decisions/moments in life) seem ugly, but the Weaver is so powerful and loving He can make those, the way they fit into the pattern, the most gorgeous of all. Threads that change not only the pattern, but the whole tapestry itself. See just like the Phoenix . . . He can, will and longs to make beauty from ashes-- life from our death! He is not just our Redeemer; He is Redemption. He is not only the Restorer of ALL things; He is Restoration!
My tapestry has forever been changed here in Honduras~ I have learned all-consuming Love and felt complete security and protection in the No. 1 murder capital of the world. In this place of grave danger; I have come to know a Sanctuary, a Refuge, a Fortress, not our compound the Rose of Sharon in La Ceiba, but Almighty God. I've finally seen for the first time in my life how loved I really am! Or maybe not seen it, but the first time I've fully embraced this COMPLETE Love that's carried me my whole life!
In that embrace, I've found my purpose, my reason for being and I've grasped my significance in a whole new way. I feel more alive than I've ever felt before!
I can't say which moment it was or the people and the part they played; it's too hard to pinpoint. In actuality, it was each one . . . with all the thoughts, the emotions and revelations that played hand-to-glove to each grain of salt in the hourglass that is my life. Was it our lives, and MY life, being spared when the bus driver's foot got stuck on the gas pedal and floored our group's bus in reverse . . . and even though there were always four or five guys behind the bus to unload materials when we stopped . . . not ONE single person was behind it? As soon as I stepped off the bus someone asked me if I wanted to play soccer. If that had not happened; I would've been right behind the bus!
Was it the kids, so starved for love, throwing caution to the wind and giving you the only thing they had to offer-- LOVE? Was it the way they were latching onto me like a long, lost friend as I slowly shuffled along because I had one kid in my arms and one clinging to my leg like a spider monkey thirty minutes after we landed? Was it seeing the look of hope, like a lighthouse to a sailor lost at sea in the middle of a storm, in their dim eyes? Was it hearing 40 percent of children in Honduras are sexually molested and usually by their own family members? Was it the anger those two numbers brought? Was it hearing 90 percent of Honduran birth certificates don't have their father's signature on them? Was it seeing kids who were receiving a new pair of Tom's (shoes)-- a luxury we often times overlook-- and seeing their faces light up like the Fourth of July? Was it seeing the children wearing clothes from the '80s because it is the only thing they have and shoes with soles coming apart . . . but their souls are FAR from coming apart?
Or was it watching a brother and sister, both five or six years old, beam from ear-to-ear after we gave them a couple of leftover pizza from Pizza Hut . . . getting the same response as if we gave someone a new car in America!?
Maybe it was faces filled with joy and happiness, like it was Field Day, because for them it was. Their laughter, smiles and silliness serving as the perfect reminder we were truly created as God's good pleasure and just how much He longs to see us happy! Or it could have been seeing members of another country opening their arms wide-open, receiving us with so much hospitality we felt like family. Was it the radiation, found deep in my spirit, which is only birthed by obedience? The sweet aroma of worship, which in any language smells the same? Was it watching six and seven-year-olds, filled with so many riches, lead worship you almost forgot you were in an impoverished village? Ot was it a papa pouring spirit-breathed wisdom into a young man the way a server refills a drink? Perhaps it playing with the kids on a playground. The frozen moment in time shared between a mother, who is his hero, and her son?
Was it playing chase with a kid, who desperately wants to be caught? A meal only prepared for special occasions because to them it was? Tears falling down a changed man's face because no words can suffice how he's feeling? A man's faith being rewarded by a woman, he has never even met, writing a $200,000 check to build his new orphanage? A grandson and his grandfather and the mutual respect, admiration and love shared between them? A young woman obedient and courageous enough to see to through fruition the vision the Dream Giver purposed in her heart and a loving husband who supported her each step of the way? A worship leader whose face reflects the joy, radiating from her spirit, filling the room with the warmth of His love?
Watching the meet take the pulpit with the ferocity, and bravery, of taking a bull by its horns and speaking Living Water from the childlike pool of sincerity that resides inside each our hearts? Witnessing a young man serving as an intercessor the same way Jesus does in Heaven with our Father, speaking his language-- one of knowledge and faith? The obedience of young people to exit the 'good life' for one they believe is better, leaving all their luxuries and families behind for the family God appointed? A big country boy, and his Mamacita, who is Papa to his kids only because he knows Papa (God), who even though he is building a 12,000 square foot compound if they were still in that 3-bedroom house would still give those toddlers enough love, guidance, hope and inspiration to fill a state bigger than Texas?
Leaders obedient enough to let God direct their paths, faithful enough to follow through . . . even if it meant coming to the valley of the shadow of death!? People so hungry for God, so in love with Jesus, they are reading His word when they're not busy living it? A security guard and driver, who aren't just co-gatekeepers of our safety and protection, but who have also become part of our group and friends?
Yes, yes and yes! It was each one. In the same fashion of asking which promises God keeps, so has this trip contained threads destined to change the tapestries of our lives once and for all. Will we let them? Threads woven in perfect synchronization with the promises of God-- that He loves us wholly and relentlessly, that NOTHING can separate us from that Love, that He will never leave or forsake us, that ALL things work together for our good and that He has plans to prosper us and to give us a future!
And while I absolutely care what my life's tapestry will one day look like, what matters more is knowing the Weaver and knowing I am being woven!!
What are you allowing Him to weave today?
*** When we weave the thread; it will be ugly and not fit into the pattern. When the Lord weaves the thread; it will be beautiful, radiant and magnificent!! The beauty, and miracle, is God can and does make beauty from our ashes. Even when we refuse to let Him weave the thread; the way He fits it into our tapestry is still gorgeous! The Weaver works ALL things together for our good, but if He ONLY desires good for our lives . . . doesn't it make more sense to let HIM take the needle instead of holding onto it as if our lives depend on it because TRUE LIFE depends on the exact opposite-- LETTING GO***
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Worth It to You
Here I am again on my knees humbly as I bow before Your throne
How can I not worship You-- for who You are . . . in Your arms I'm Home
In Your arms I've found Love~ in Your arms I've found my safe place
I am covered by Your mercy; I am washed in Your grace
Tears flood my face~ tears of joy and tears to show how very thankful I am
Your water, like a raging River, has finally destroyed my dam
I am not deserving, but I will praise You just the same
You clothed me in white and took on all my sin and shame
Master, You are worthy of each and every word I write
I was lost in the darkness, You found me, and bathed me in Your Light
Father, with every breath let me give You ALL the glory
You raised me from my death and chose to change my story! \o/
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Just Like Jesus~ My friend Nely
"Pick me up. Put me on your shoulders," she said . . . her eyes filled with hope, like a sunset fills the horizon, as I bent down to one knee to oblige her request.
Nely, an eight-year old Honduran, climbed onto my back and off we went. Lap after lap around her school with sweat pouring off me like a waterfall and filling my shirt.
I knew, quickly after meeting her, God allowed our paths to cross at that exact moment because we both had something the other one needed-- love. Not in a Sandusky sort of way . . . no, I had the amazing opportunity of showing her a man, other than her Papas (Earthly one Leonard and Heavenly One), can love her, with respect and priority, and she accepted me-- purely, wholly, with no ulterior motives, no cynicism, no doubt, with a simple, yet resilient faith-- as only a child can.
For over an hour, hearing her giggle, seeing her smile and watching her brown eyes sparkle, as only her's can, outweighed my aching shoulders and fatigue from playing so hard so close to the equator. Actually, sharing God's love with her, through fellowship, was the only thing that mattered. When it was time to go . . . I knew I would see her later that day at our camp we put on for all the kids.
I was excited. She was my buddy. When she arrived at the Rose of Sharon camp, our home for eight days, she came and gave me a big hug and sat down next to me for worship. Watching her dance, lift her hands in praise, playful, yet sincere was such a blessing. I saw the childlike faith Jesus spoke of and it touched my soul.
After worship, we played games with the parachute and Nely said something that pierced me, "Where you go, I go." Those five words instantly reminded me of someone else I love . . . JESUS. Just like Jesus, Nely just wanted to be with me. She wanted to be around me. Just like Jesus, she gave her love to me freely. Just like Jesus, Nely, even though she had no reason to, based on the fact 40% of all Honduran children are sexually molested, trusted me. Just like Jesus, Nely just wanted one thing . . . to see me smile. Isn't that awesome?
When it was time for swimming, Nely was just like Jesus. When she would come down the slide, she believed in me. There is no guarantee we will show Him that trust and belief is warranted, in fact, they often times aren't, but He extends it just the same. She believed I would catch her. Kids can teach you so much, and remind you, about God if you'll just let them.
She asked me to put my name on her cross right under her name. Again . . . yep, you guessed it-- Just like Jesus. She put hearts around it to show she loved me . . . Just like Jesus puts His heart around our lives each and every day. She decorated a prayer journal for me and put her name on it as it instantly became one of my most cherished possessions.
The second, and last night of camp, Nely was once again just like Jesus in that she left before I was ready for her too. The disciples, and followers of Jesus, didn't want Him to leave them when He did, but it was time for Him to. It was Nely's time to leave. I told her I would think of her every day, wrote, in her prayer journal, that I would pray for her adopted parents (Mama and Papa Jones) and her brothers and sisters, and that I would miss her.
Nely did something else just like Jesus-- she changed my life. Who I was before meeting her is not who I am now. Every day I miss her, but every day is a day closer to seeing her again . . . either in Honduras or in Heaven and that makes me smile.
One of the most extraordinary men I've ever met Leonard, who along with his wife (equally as impressive and extraordinary), has taken in 19 Honduran kids, mostly toddlers, is the Papa, with the heart the size of his homestate (Texas), they've always needed. They have taught all their children to be bilingual, and the importance of education, but the biggest thing they've done is shared God's love with their children so much, read His Word so much, prayed so much . . . they are becoming just like Jesus!
** Please note ** Our trip to Honduras was made possible by my dear friends Jorge (36) and Tara (33) Garcia through their organization R.O.O.M (Reach Out Orphanage Ministries). Though young, their obedience to the calling on their lives is inspiring! Tara pursued the vision God placed her heart and her husband supported her each step of the way. Two people who display the Light of Jesus, who treat others well, are great parents to their three kids (Trinity, Joseph and Hosanna), who are genuine, and who are just as genuine is wanting to better the lives of these 'forgotten' Honduran children . . . that some call orphans. Check out Reach Out Orphanage Ministries on Facebook and be sure to like it please!
Monday, July 8, 2013
It doesn't matter what you've done, how many times you've missed the mark, who you've let down, who you've hurt or even how you feel about yourself.
God's PROMISE over your life is still in tact. I was recently watching a preview for the show House of Cards and I heard this quote, "That's the nature of promises . . . they remain immune to change in circumstances."
Do you know what the Bible is? It's a collection of books, revelations and examples of God's faithfulness, His love, His mercy and His grace absolutely! It's a compilation of stories of people who went on to do great things for the Kingdom despite making TERRIBLE choices along the way (can you relate? I know I can), but you know what the Bible is filled with? PROMISES!
One verse comes to mind over all of them in regard to God's covenant with us. . . Isaiah 55:11.
"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
God's Word will never return void, will never be empty, and His promises are the same. They are YES in the past, YES in the present, YES in the future and YES forever ever more! I know what you may be thinking. Romans 8:28 how God says He will work ALL things together for my good and Jeremiah 29:11 about how He has plans to prosper me and to give me a future both sound great in terms of God's plan for my life, but I've screwed up far too many times. It's too late for me, you think, or at the very least because of how many times you've sinned, missed the mark, you feel God won't possibly bless your life like He would've had you not walked the prodigal road or worse yet you may be so beaten down by guilt and condemnation you may not even feel worthy of God's love! You don't know what I've done. You don't know where I've allowed the Devil to take me. You don't know how much hurt I've caused-- to God, to myself and to others.
You may have been arrested. . . multiple times. You may have been a sex addict (like me). You may have had addictions to alcohol, drugs, money, power etc. Guess what? It's NOT too late! Even if you're still battling your addiction as you read this-- God is not done with you!! Philippians 1:6 says, "Being confident of this, that he who begun a good work will carry it on to completion to the day of Christ Jesus." Translation: we are ALL works in progress! And those promises found in Romans, Jeremiah and all throughout the Bible are not UNDONE-- they remain just as strong as the day He first declared them over our lives! Isn't that amazing news?!?
I hope you're smiling right now as you read this because I am! That's how much God loves you!! HIS PROMISES ARE IMMUNE to any, and ALL, change in circumstances . . . any time we chose counterfeit over real Love (Jesus), any time we accepted good instead of the Best, any time we chose satisfying our desires of the flesh over being obedient to the Father. Guess what? He knew you were going to do it each and every time before the foundations of the Earth were even laid and He STILL sent His son instead of scrapping his fallen creation (us). That is LOVE!
You could go every single day for the rest of your life fully obeying God and He wouldn't love you any more than He already does! Conversely, you could go every day for the rest of your life sinning non-stop and He wouldn't love you any less! That's how much He loves you brothers and sisters. That is truly mind-boggling and on a scale of 1-10 . . . it breaks the needle in terms of being amazing!!
Let Yourself Off the Hook
I want you to do me a favor. Now that you know God's perfect plan for your life remains in tact. I want you to let yourself off the hook. Because He has! Don't believe me? Look at Isaiah 43:25.
"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake and remembers your sins no more!"
Need more proof? Check out Romans 8:1.
"There is on condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
In other words, that guilt, that shame, that hurt, that embarrassment is NOT from the Lord. It comes from the author of confusion, hurt and chaos Satan.
Skeptics, or those cynical of my own sincerity, may say I am just writing this to make myself feel better for my sin-stained past and for the times I fall short daily. To them I say-- you could never make me feel worse about the hurt I caused God, myself and my loved ones than I do. In other words, I've beat myself up, and sought repentance, FAR more than you ever could ever beat me up even if you threw stones at me every day for the rest of my life!
The thing about being on the road that leads to destruction is-- you never know how far you've gone down it until you turn around to go home!! Such was the case of my life.
And do you know what glorious truth I found when I made it back home in Jesus' arms? That His promises hadn't changed!
Luke 15:20-22
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21. The son said to him, "Father I have sinned against Heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son." 22. "But the father said to his servants,'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."
Sunday, July 7, 2013
God is BIG
You might be rolling your eyes at the title of this writing and you're certainly entitled. I can't stop you, but before you do . . . I want you to ask yourself this question-- "How big is God in my eyes?"
Now, I bet you aren't rolling your eyes . . . in fact, if you're anything like me when I learned this through Tyklen (4) and Finley (2), you're probably thinking where you lost it.
When did you lose the belief, the notion, the perspective of God is being really, really, really BIG!?!
I was driving Tyklen to his house after Vacation Bible School: Kingdom Rock and we were talking about what he learned and then he dropped this bombshell on me.
"God is really, really big! I can't pick him up. Jesus is stronger than everybody," he said.
I've learned something I've always been unawarely (I am aware this is not a word) aware of-- God can speak through anything and anybody. He is not limited by the age of a person and uses songs, movies, smiles, waves, acts of kindness, the wind, the sun etc. ANYTHING He wants to use to speak to us. The problem is we often times don't listen or we listen, but understand He is the Source. It's not mere coincidence . . . it's not ironic . . . it's not unusual . . . it's God!
No sooner did his words hit the air did God give me revelation and convict me through a question.
"Do you think I'm big?"
I didn't shrug it off. Instead, I was honest . . . sometimes. The sad reality, and truth, is as we get older we seem to get distracted, we get hurt, we don't stop believing, we stray . . . no matter which we do; our perspective of God often times becomes subject to our circumstances.
Our faith is no longer unpolluted. It's no longer pure and unwavering. It's no longer childlike.
Then I thought about Tyklen's second sentence. "I can't pick Him up." Sure we KNOW that, but we don't act like it. From a physical standpoint, we can't pick God up, but I have definitely tried. How many times, I assure you it's a number in the thousands, have I tried to fit God into MY will? We turn God into a SMALL puzzle piece and even if that particular piece doesn't fit . . . we are hell-bent on trying to place it in the hole. All the while missing the point-- He doesn't want it to fit because it's not HIS will!
Instead of looking at my situation, with an unflinching faith, and without shame declaring, "God is BIG and I trust Him. This situation is itty-bitty compared to the God I serve," I would do the opposite."My problem is big and God is itty-bitty compared to this problem." That is a lie from the pits of hell and one we sadly, with great frequency, believe.
My heart beamed with pride about Tyklen. He not only learned all four Bible verses, by the way FYI I would've been just as proud of him if he learned none, but he let God speak through him and taught me minutes after earning his prizes.
Mark 10:15 "I tell you the truth. Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it," Jesus said.
God is TOO Heavy
I was reminded of this beautiful truth and revelation today by Finley. Finley walked over to a 'Christmas tree' in a pot as Sara, the kids and I walked to the car and wrapped her little arms around it.
"It's too heavy John Mark. It's too heavy. I can't lift it. I can't pick it up," she, matter of factly, said.
And you know what I learned? God is that tree . . . He is TOO heavy, so I need to just let Him be BIG and stay put, but I was moved by her display of faith. She was bound and determined to lift that ol' tree and with great faith she tried! Don't we ALL need that kind of mustard-seed faith? (Matthew 17:20).
Many times I need to just let God be What, and Who, He is . . . BIG! I need to trust. I need to believe He is working all things together for my good (Romans 8:28) and using it to prosper me (Jer. 29:11) instead of trying to pick Him up and moving Him into what I want, which may not be good for me at all and certainly isn't in His will for my life.
God IS big and He is looking for us to place our faith in Him . . . how capable He is not how capable we are. There is a big difference! In His bigness, He is small enough, humble enough, loving enough, to speak to us. Are we listening?
Remember how big we used to think our parents were when we were little? Heck how big the world was? Well let's get back to that perception in this way-- let's infinitely look at our Heavenly Father in much the same fashion. HE IS BIG and you know what? The world, and all the problems that are in it, are really, really, really small!
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