Saturday, June 29, 2013
Just One Drop
No matter who loves you, who hates you, who lies in wait to watch you fail or who supports you . . . they can't take it away from you!
And although God has equipped you with the resources; it won't be given to you.
What am I?
ONE DROP. As I was watching the new release movie Cloud Atlas where I am in life and the tool of motivation crossed in the perfect way, creating a flawless intersection.
"All you will make will be nothing more than a drop in the ocean."
"What is an ocean, but a multitude of drops?"
The epiphany struck me like an unforecasted lightning bolt . . . the aforementioned crossroads come with a built-in choice-- this choice? To take this tool of motivation and, through faith, hard work, gratitude and discipline, make my drop by going right or turning left onto the familiar road of Laziness Lane, which merges on to the Procrastination Highway and you guessed it . . . that highway leads to the city of Failure.
We all come to this cross road. That's inevitable. What matters is what we DO when we come to it!
The Right Turn
I'm taking a right. Maybe this road, many never take, leads to me making my drop, making my life's mark with my God-given talent. It could end with a drop, a creek, a river, a lake or an ocean. It could be as unassuming as a mud puddle or it could take me the world by storm like a Tsunami, but one thing is definite . . . you can't even create a drop without turning right.
For many, it's not just a cross road . . . it is a U-Turn. For me, as someone who went the wayward path of sexual addiction . . . it most certainly has been! I truly believe in order to get on the right path, in terms of motivation, ambition and vision, you must first start the ongoing, lifelong surrendering process to Christ and quit worshiping yourself. (John 3:30) To match talent with our biggest purpose on Earth, to give God the glory, is one of the most rewarding blessings this life can afford breathed out of the very mouth of our Gifter.
I am no millionaire. I am not 'famous.' I am not idolized by the multitudes, but I am determined not to, one day, find myself in a rocking chair saying, "I would've, could've, should've, but didn't!" So my approach is simple-- I'll, each step of the way, (whether I reach 10 people or millions) give God ALL the glory! I believe our lives, gifts, talents and blessings are all from God for God (James 1:17). If money comes, if fame knocks on my door, or if I make but a single drop . . . I will be faithful with that drop. What I will not do is bury my talent (Matthew 25:14-30)-- not because of my past, not due to laziness, undiscipline or out of fear.
Make Your Drop
Your drop is not 'chasing' your dream . . . it's doing your dream. It's leaving something behind for posterity-- it's your legacy. I believe when you are obedient to the vision you've been given . . . something magical happens. The reward is amazing of reaching your goal, your destination, but, as long as you are doing your heart's desire, the whole journey is special . . . not just where you end up as a result.
Whether that means as a student, going back to school, trying to make it as a writer, becoming an entertainer or just being a great parent, or making that ever-elusive change; Go after creating your one drop and you may just make an ocean!
Hebrews 12:1-2 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
What Are You Leaving?
The older I get the more I think about it . . . in fact, sometimes the question consumes me.
Being around Madison, Karson Faith (my nieces), Tyklen and Finley (my girlfriend's kids) and Luke and Jordan (my brother-in-law's kids) have caused me to reflect on it more than ever-- what type of legacy am I leaving?
"Legacy- A gift of personal property, personal property . . . anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor."
Makes you think, doesn't it?
Every single day is an opportunity to build it. Think of your personal legacy as a lifelong construction project. It's been one thing, having the awareness I have one, but when you're around the ones you are passing it down to on a day-to-day basis; when you look into their little eyes, it makes you want to be better and love them more!
Through grace, the blood of Jesus, we are forgiven for missing the mark . . . as long as we aren't blantantly abusing grace, and leaving a legacy behind is similar. We aren't always going to make the right decisions. We aren't always going to say nice words, have good attitudes, be selfless and make the world a better place that particular day, but shouldn't we try?
The beautiful news is-- even when we don't get it 'right' the Lord's mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22), so we get a chance, have the opportunity, to be better the next day every single day!
See, I can't be around Madison, Karson Faith, Tyklen, Finley, Luke and Jordan without thinking, "How do I want them to remember me?" "What do I want to pass down to them?"
One of the amazing things about life is, if we so chose, we have the incredible privilege of making sure those who come after us don't make the same mistakes we did. Do as I say, not as I did is acceptable, but let's do our best, with Divine assistance, to make it do as I do, not just as I say.
Unfortunately, instead of passing the torch, many choose to do whatever they want to do (after all, it's my life they say), acting as if life is solely about them. They live life with blinders on . . . not because they are focused on where they are going, as it is with horses, but because they simply don't care enough about how their actions affect their 'audience.'
How do I know? Because I've been that selfish boy. I let lust, and sexual sin and perversion, dominate my life for years. Blinded by the darkness, I cared about nothing, but satisfying ME. I'm so thankful those scales were removed off my eyes and I'm able to see how blind, and deceived, I really was.
The reality of it is this. Life is about loving, living, laughing and giving. Other than worshiping God, developing intimacy with our Creator, reflecting His glory and sharing His love . . . this life is not about what you take; it's about what you leave! You can earn all the money in the world, have the biggest house, the nicest cars, wear the hottest clothes, but guess what? You don't get to take any of it with you when you go.
So, that begs this question-- what's really important?
I'm thankful I'm a work in progress (Phil. 1:6), but a work aware enough to realize life is not just about what we make it, but it's more about what we impart along the way to everyone we come into contact with. It's NOT about keeping up with the Jones' . . . it's about so much more!
If' you accumulate great wealth, money, power and respect and don't do good with it; I would call you a successful failure. Instead, with whatever you have, give back, pay it forward and do so with Love as your Guide and the Reason. (Luke 12:48).
As someone who used to serve two masters with great consistency, I believe I can say this. You owe it to Him, to yourself and to those who look up to you to not just talk it, but to walk it out. There is no greater legacy than that of John 3:30, "He (Jesus) must become greater, I must become less."
Imagine the impact you will have on your children, or anyone who looks up to you (your audience), if your life is this verse personified!
I used to realize kids looked up to their parents, and other mother and father figures, and grandparents, aunts and uncles, but it wasn't until recently that I realized exactly how much. I'ved noticed it the most through my nieces growing up and in the past couple of months with Tyklen and Finley. From the clothes we wear, to our actions, and the words we say . . . they emulate us and mirror everything we do. That's why it's vitally important, if we love them the way we say we do, for us to give them the right footsteps to follow in. It's not enough to be firmly rooted in God, think of how different our days would look if we were guided by Him, and His truth and love, instead of our 'feelings.' You may not feel like being patient . . . be patient anyway. You may not feel like doing good for others . . . do it anyway. You may not feel like being considerate and selfless . . . do it anyway!
Let's not just be aware of having a legacy, but let's do something with this great knowledge. Let's, through the Holy Spirit living inside us, strive to become better parents, better sons and daughters, better aunts and uncles, better grandparents, better teachers, better students and better friends. Try to live every day like it's the ending of your life's book. . . because there will come a day where it will be! What do you want your ending to say? How do you want people to remember you?
I want my days to be filled with the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22)-- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness. That's what I want people to remember about me. That the same mercy, grace, forgiveness and love Jesus extended to me . . . I was quick to extend to everyone, especially those, who through their actions toward me, who don't deserve it!
". . .But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord," (Joshua 24:15) is the best motto any family can adopt and declare. I think of the sense of security, stability, protection and faith my children will one day have in knowing this is true of the household I lead as the spiritual head and that makes me smile.
And when it's lived out over the course of someone's life span, it becomes more than a motto, or declaration, it becomes a legacy!
"I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me and that all will go well for them and for their children after them." Jeremiah 32:39.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
God in the Daily 2
I learn so much about God through Tyklen, Finley and Karson Faith every time I am around them.
Tyklen (4) and Finley (2) are my girlfriend Sara's two kids-- two children I love like my very own, while Karson Faith (3) is my niece. Three kids whose enthusiasm is as contagious as the flu and whose smiles, the one found in their eyes and on their lips, cause you to wonder which is bigger though both are as sincere as they are pure. All three are amazing little creations who make sunny days even brighter and shine light on the darkest of nights.
Each smile, each sparkle, each laugh are salads on the endless buffet that is beholding them. Satisfying yet each leaves you wanting more . . . to know them is to love them with a love you didn't even dream was possible and one you pray you never have to live without. The happiness these three have brought me, along with my oldest niece Madison (15), is unreal. Simply put, they color my world and the Artist's painting for my life. Bundles of Grace whose frustration they bring is as a fleeting as the morning dew.
No Help
"No help John Mark, no help," Finley said as she tried to turn the knob on the water fountain.
"Do you want me to help you," I asked.
"No," she shouted defiantly. To say she is stubborn, and independent, would be like calling Santa Claus merely a generous man.
She was determined. Once, twice, three times she attempted to satisfy her thirst by turning the knob-- each time to no avail, so I offered again. This time she obliged my offer with a yes.
Though she did not tell me; I am sure that water tasted particularly good to her. . . a sweet, sweet taste-- one that comes from letting someone who loves you provide, letting someone be a blessing.
I think of the times, in my life, God asks me to let Him help then I ponder how often I used to say no, and still do at times.
Why can't we be more like Finley?
Pick Me Up
Tyklen and I were walking into the ocean. Though he had floaties on his arms, he still slowly trudged forward like a man walking the 'Green Mile.'
I asked him if he wanted me to pick him up and he said no.
About that time a wave came, and while it didn't clobber him, it did knock him down. He panicked. In that moment forgetting the swimmies, and that I was standing next to him, he started to cry. While he is biologically not my own; I did what any loving father would do. I scooped him up into my arms.
He knew he was safe and in this place of refuge he braved several waves as I turned my back to them, letting them crash up against me. Isn't this what God does for us? We may not always ask, but He protects, and rescues, us anyway. It's just in His nature. What type of man would I have been if I would've just let Tyklen get thrown around like a ragdoll by the powerful ocean? I love and I care, so I helped . . . so much more so is it with the Lord.
Watch me, watch me!
Finley and I were in the kiddie pool, at the beach, and we were having a blast. Then she stops and says, "Watch me John Mark, watch me John Mark."
With a twinkle in her eyes and smile spread over her face, like peanut butter on bread, she proceeded to twirl around in a fast circle.
"Ta da," she said with pride exuding from her miniature body.
"That was great girl," I said as I clapped, reacting to her 'trick' like she had just composed Beethoven's 5th Symphony.
In that instant, it smacked me with the subtlety of a hurricane, God loves us and is impressed with us WITHOUT the trick . . . because we are His children! Isn't that amazing?!? We don't have to 'perform' -- although we are being molded every day (Phil 1:6); He already sees us as the MASTERpieces we are becoming. He views as us being spotless, pure and innocent through the drafting of the New Covenant written in blood of Jesus.
Though we have fallen, He sees us without blemish. His REDEEMED creation (John 3:16 and 17). . . His children. And this time He reminded me once again I was His child through a child.
God in the Daily
At first it was nothing more than someone being rude early in the morning on, imagine this, a Monday.
"Man, that guy sure needs his coffee," I thought.
I said good morning to no response, as he took the buggy I was offering him as I started my day off as a loader.
Then it hit me that's how we are with God.
We are very quick to take gifts, what we call blessings, from Him, but we ignore whatever He is trying to say to us. His revelation, His loving words, His direction . . . we miss it! He wants to spend time with us and all we care about is receiving something. Sometimes it's blatant apathy, as to why we don't respond, other times it's because we simply don't hear Him-- either way we miss out on the most valuable thing this life can afford fellowship with our Creator and Savior.
The second incident, that caused me to pause for reflection, was what many would view as sheer stubbornness.
"Sir, do you need help pushing one of those carts," I asked as a man pushed two lumber carts, loaded down with wood, to his car as he steadily talked on his cell phone.
"No, I got it. Thanks though," was his reply.
"Are you sure," I pleaded.
"Yep, I can handle it," he shot back in terse fashion.
That's just dumb, I thought, I am offering my help and he won't take it. No sooner did I think that; I thought of Matthew 11:28-30 about how the Lord will take our burdens and make our yokes easy. Yet, just like that customer . . . we so often times don't let Him!
As evident as it was he needed help, I couldn't help but think of how it's just as evident to God when we are loaded down, tired, burdened, and because of His great love for us, He wants to help, but we push Him away.
The Creator wants to make our lives less stressful, wants to help us tackle any of our problems and take away our Great Sadness, alleviate our hurts, and we refuse His advances of Love.
Then the final way I saw God at work, recently, was I was pulling four garden carts, like trolleys, with customers lined up at both cash registers, leaving just a small alley-way, of passage, to get the carts to their destination.
And something funny happened. Not one person was concerned I was going to run over their feet . . . in fact, not one person moved an inch. The only reason I could think was my uniform. THEY TRUSTED ME because of my uniform. I'm supposed to know what I'm doing-- that uniform is a tangible example illustrating just that.
That's when I received an incredible revelation. Jesus has the MOST impressive uniform ever known to mankind-- two holes in His palms, so shouldn't we TRUST He knows what He is doing . . . shouldn't we trust when He says He is working ALL things together for our good (Romans 8:28) He is doing just that? Or that when He says, through Paul, 'Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us,' (Romans 8:18) that we can accept that as the truth? Shouldn't we believe Him, and take Him at His word, when He says He not only blots out our trangressions (sins), but He remembers them no more (Isaiah 43:25)?
Crowns on His head, the robe dripped in the blood He shed for us on Calvary, the iron scepter to rule the nations (Rev. 19:11-16). He knows what He is doing and He already is 'there' before we even know the problem exists, so shouldn't we trust Him?
After all, He has the uniform.
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