Sunday, June 23, 2013

What Are You Leaving?

The older I get the more I think about it . . . in fact, sometimes the question consumes me.

Being around Madison, Karson Faith (my nieces), Tyklen and Finley (my girlfriend's kids) and Luke and Jordan (my brother-in-law's kids) have caused me to reflect on it more than ever-- what type of legacy am I leaving?

"Legacy- A gift of personal property, personal property . . . anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor."

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Every single day is an opportunity to build it. Think of your personal legacy as a lifelong construction project. It's been one thing, having the awareness I have one, but when you're around the ones you are passing it down to on a day-to-day basis; when you look into their little eyes, it makes you want to be better and love them more!

Through grace, the blood of Jesus, we are forgiven for missing the mark . . . as long as we aren't blantantly abusing grace, and leaving a legacy behind is similar. We aren't always going to make the right decisions. We aren't always going to say nice words, have good attitudes, be selfless and make the world a better place that particular day, but shouldn't we try?

The beautiful news is-- even when we don't get it 'right' the Lord's mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22), so we get a chance, have the opportunity, to be better the next day every single day!

See, I can't be around Madison, Karson Faith, Tyklen, Finley, Luke and Jordan without thinking, "How do I want them to remember me?" "What do I want to pass down to them?"

One of the amazing things about life is, if we so chose, we have the incredible privilege of making sure those who come after us don't make the same mistakes we did. Do as I say, not as I did is acceptable, but let's do our best, with Divine assistance, to make it do as I do, not just as I say.

Unfortunately, instead of passing the torch, many choose to do whatever they want to do (after all, it's my life they say), acting as if life is solely about them. They live life with blinders on . . . not because they are focused on where they are going, as it is with horses, but because they simply don't care enough about how their actions affect their 'audience.'

How do I know? Because I've been that selfish boy. I let lust, and sexual sin and perversion, dominate my life for years. Blinded by the darkness, I cared about nothing, but satisfying ME. I'm so thankful those scales were removed off my eyes and I'm able to see how blind, and deceived, I really was.

The reality of it is this. Life is about loving, living, laughing and giving. Other than worshiping God, developing intimacy with our Creator, reflecting His glory and sharing His love . . . this life is not about what you take; it's about what you leave! You can earn all the money in the world, have the biggest house, the nicest cars, wear the hottest clothes, but guess what? You don't get to take any of it with you when you go.

So, that begs this question-- what's really important?

I'm thankful I'm a work in progress (Phil. 1:6), but a work aware enough to realize life is not just about what we make it, but it's more about what we impart along the way to everyone we come into contact with. It's NOT about keeping up with the Jones' . . . it's about so much more!

If' you accumulate great wealth, money, power and respect and don't do good with it; I would call you a successful failure. Instead, with whatever you have, give back, pay it forward and do so with Love as your Guide and the Reason. (Luke 12:48).

As someone who used to serve two masters with great consistency, I believe I can say this. You owe it to Him, to yourself and to those who look up to you to not just talk it, but to walk it out. There is no greater legacy than that of John 3:30, "He (Jesus) must become greater, I must become less."

Imagine the impact you will have on your children, or anyone who looks up to you (your audience), if your life is this verse personified!

I used to realize kids looked up to their parents, and other mother and father figures, and grandparents, aunts and uncles, but it wasn't until recently that I realized exactly how much. I'ved noticed it the most through my nieces growing up and in the past couple of months with Tyklen and Finley. From the clothes we wear, to our actions, and the words we say . . . they emulate us and mirror everything we do. That's why it's vitally important, if we love them the way we say we do, for us to give them the right footsteps to follow in. It's not enough to be firmly rooted in God, think of how different our days would look if we were guided by Him, and His truth and love, instead of our 'feelings.' You may not feel like being patient . . . be patient anyway. You may not feel like doing good for others . . . do it anyway. You may not feel like being considerate and selfless . . . do it anyway!

Let's not just be aware of having a legacy, but let's do something with this great knowledge. Let's, through the Holy Spirit living inside us, strive to become better parents, better sons and daughters, better aunts and uncles, better grandparents, better teachers, better students and better friends. Try to live every day like it's the ending of your life's book. . . because there will come a day where it will be! What do you want your ending to say? How do you want people to remember you?

I want my days to be filled with the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22)-- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness. That's what I want people to remember about me. That the same mercy, grace, forgiveness and love Jesus extended to me . . . I was quick to extend to everyone, especially those, who through their actions toward me, who don't deserve it!

". . .But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord," (Joshua 24:15) is the best motto any family can adopt and declare. I think of the sense of security, stability, protection and faith my children will one day have in knowing this is true of the household I lead as the spiritual head and that makes me smile.

And when it's lived out over the course of someone's life span, it becomes more than a motto, or declaration, it becomes a legacy!

"I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me and that all will go well for them and for their children after them." Jeremiah 32:39.

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