Lightning flashes, thunder crashes, rain falls from the sky
I praised You when it was sunny, so I will not ask you why?
The wind howls, trees fall, it flickers, then the power goes out
Why am I surrounded by pain, by darkness and by doubt?
Water knocks down the door and floods the house; it's up to my neck
Through the valley of the shadow of death; You promised You would protect
Yet I'm still scared, paralyzed by fear~ uncertain of the many things to come
Many unseen tears, my soul is crying~ this storm has made me numb
Numb and blinded, I still praise with all my heart despite this circumstance
For I know before I was even born, just at the thought of me~ You danced!!
Oh Lord, your wisdom is beautiful, so much more than any woman or man
So, in the midst of this storm, I will dance for You, knowing You have a plan
For I know the storm will roll away and the sun will once again emerge
And I will drown, but not in these waters~ in Your love I will submerge
Blue skies, birds chirping, the breeze blowing gently~ I can feel Your touch
You smile because I never stopped praising~ Oh Lord, I love you so much!
When life is hard, when it's bad, through the storms and the rain
I will know the sun is coming and my sacrifice of worship will refrain
Copyright John Mark Brooks Nov. 20, 2006
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